Going "Green" a little bit at a time!
By Sun City Grand Homes; Surprise AZ Real Estate and Homes,Josee Plant Long Realty West Valley, Arizona Retirement Communities Specialist
(Long Realty West Valley)
I've been making it a point to have a positive impact on our environment, not only in educating my spouse on how we can change our waste habits, but in everything we do. Mind you it has taken a bit of conditioning to get there, just last Saturday night we rode our bicycles out to dinner. Let's take shopping for example. Recently, I went to WalMart to stock up on a few things. When I got to the check out, I asked if they had paper bags. The clerk looked at me, with disappointment and what I detected a bit of shame at not having paper to offer me. So I took my purchase without bags. The largest retail giant in the world doesn't even offer the choice of paper vs plastic...anyhow, I think the clerk thought I was a bit weird, but I know for a fact it made him think about a few things....