"price improvement" is not a new buzzword here, I do not personally use it but has been around for quite awhile.
Carla Freund
Raleigh, NC
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Kat Palmiotti
Kalispell, MT
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Phoenix, AZ
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
That has been used here for quite some time and is supposed to be more effective than price reduction, reduction in price, better priced. It is an attempt to 'pretty up' an overpriced listing, in my opinion.
Carla Freund
Raleigh, NC
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Kat Palmiotti
Kalispell, MT
I have never like that term - or frankly any others. Just lower the price and kick up the marketing to a higher level.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Kat Palmiotti
Kalispell, MT
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
"New price."
Emily Medvec
Santa Fe, NM
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
I have heard that - I guess it sounds more positive than price reduction, but the actual fact is it was reduced/lowered. For the seller it is NOT a price improvement!
Carla Freund
Raleigh, NC
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Greg Large
Grove City, OH
It's a term that has been around for decades up here. My area never really has market highs and lows but just continues to happily tick along so price improvements are always a thing.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
seems like a peer term, not a client term.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Michael Cole
Corona, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
I think I saw this one being used for quite some time, for reductions and increases. I believe Barbara Todaro was the first one I saw using it.
Not a huge fan of it. Who is the price improved for? What direction is the improvement. "Price Reduction" says it all. Our feeling is, when Walmart changes from "Rollback" prices to "Improved" prices, then we'll consider it. Until the world's largest retailer jumps on that bandwagon, we're steering clear of it.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I started seeing that more often on FB, and don't really care for it. That's part of the problem with today. People trying to change the definition of a word.
To me Improvement means an upgrade, or increase... Instead, their using it as just a price change and in most cases, it's a REDUCE in price...
Could be MISS-Leading... LOL
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Buyer break...
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Shayne Stone
Fulshear, TX
I doubt the sellers consider it an "improvement". Call it what it is, a Price Reduction.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Price adjustment, price improvement, price change.... It's all the same with the goal to find more potential buyers and help sellers embrace the reduction after they've declared "I'm not gonna give it away!".
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Joan Cox
Denver, CO
Price adjustment is one I have used in the past. Price improvement always makes me think it is still overpriced. Just me!
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
This buzzword has been in use for some time. I generally don't love using buzzwords... just say what you mean. If I were a member of the public my first thought would be the price has gone up. If it's a price reduction, just say so. I suspect saying so will get more attention.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
I do not believe that phrase is new. Perhaps it feels new because we are seeing so many price reductions.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I prefer this term to price reduction as I like to focus on the positive!😎
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
I don't mind it if it's an email to agents, because for agents with buyers it is an improvement, but it's not an improvement for sellers at all.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Wanda Kubat-Nerdin - W...
St. George, UT
It's not new around here. I've been seeing these for years" " Price Improvement", "Reduced", "New Low Price", " Price Reduced", etc. Most of them actually mean: "I told sellers their house was worth way more than it really was just to get the listing, now I need to convince them to keep lowering price it before ir expires".
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
It had been used here years ago and has resurfaced. We all get desensitized by the overuse of words.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
I never liked price reduction and used price improvement with my listings for years.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Buyers will look at it as in improvement, sellers may look at it as something else.
Always pays to educate the sellers in advance of the dangers of overpricing.
Hella M. Rothwell, Bro...
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Another one popping up in our Santa Fe NM market is "price adjustment" --- often online media sites automatically name it something... like price drop. I use "new price" in my emails etc.
Sounds like putting lipstick on a pig to me. I have a unique phrase "price reduction"