It depends on what your SEO goals are. SEO has changed a lot. Now vertical SEO may be the only way you can get higher rankings, all depending on your competitors on page one for your terms and what authority they have, etc.
Ask yourself:
1. What site do you want ranking on page one on Google?
2. Does the answer to #1 strong enough to actually rank?
Let's say that your website for your keywords is ranked on page 20 and your AR blog post is ranked on page 2- which one has a better chance of reaching page one?
If the answer is AR, then post to AR first and your website second. Then link from your website to your AR post - not just the blog - to get a vote to the article, then do other things like sharing on social, etc to drive that page up.
It used to be that real estate websites would outrank all other sites but not anymore, it rarely happens. SO spend your time on vertical SEO.
Yes, you don't own those sites, etc but that no longer matters to GOOGLE. They ONLY choose sites with high authority and who have E.A.T. covered well.
See my webinar coming up next week about this exact topic.
As a side note: There is NO such thing as a duplicate content penalty. What google does is try to figure out which site has the original content and rank that higher but that has all changed since the last big update. Now Google will always use the site with the highest authority for the credit.
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Libby Cousins
Spokane, WA
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
John Henry, Florida Ar...
Orlando, FL
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Dario Ferreira
Attleboro, MA
SEO expert, Katerina Gasset, always tells everyone to post to your website FIRST and then to other sites....
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Kathy Streib
Cypress, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Barbara Todaro and Nina Hollander feel the same way as the guru, Katrina Gasset.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Post to your primary blog site first, than add to Active Rain.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
No. Despite what some people say, there is no such thing as a "duplicate content penalty", that comes directly from Google. What can and does happen, is that if you have two pieces of identical information, one from a site with a very high authority level (like Active Rain's 80 rank) and the other from a site with a normal authority level (7-10 for most agent sites), Google will favor the one from the higher authority site.
The trick is 1) post on your site first AND MAKE SURE IT GETS INDEXED. It's not enough to post on your site first, as Barbara Todaro said (though she is right about that). The second thing is ONCE YOUR SITE IS INDEXED then post on the other sites with a "cannonical link" back to your article. There are special coding tags to that, but also "This article originally published at ...." helps too. Google is aware of the context of links and what text is around them.
As to your second question, about root level or deep linking, the answer is "both". A natural link profile, which Google likes, will have links to both the main site and to interior pages/articles.
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Dario Ferreira
Attleboro, MA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
my broker never posts exact duplicate content. But she rather posts new original smaller content and then links to the post on her site that draws us traffic. For example she posts about a subdivision and then links to the IDX search on the site for said subdivision and that gets the leads in when they find the post about the subdivision on AR, but never exact duplicate content.
Tammy Lankford,
Eatonton, GA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Dario Ferreira
Attleboro, MA
From what I have heard, as others here attest, it's best to post to your outside blog first. I like to vary the content and title, and not duplicate, but not sure how much of an issue this really is these days. Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA has some thoughts on this.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
John, I always post on our site first, then on AR
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
You have many great answers.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
I suspect sharing a link is preferable to directly copying the post.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Since I do not have a blog outside of AR, I guess it is not important to me.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Your web ranking will not be hurt if you post the same content on AR also, but it's always better to have unique content. The content on AR will win over the one on your website because AR is a much stronger website.
If you are trying to rank for a particular term, you have a better chance of ranking on AR than your website. If it is a long-tailish term, it may be fairly easy.
Make sure you have plenty of links on the AR post pointing to your website. You want people that land on AR to get to your website, so you can close the sale.
>>is it better to have a blog linked to your web or within the pages of your web?
Can you clarify this. I don't understand it.
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Primary 1st, AR secondary. Do you have a ranking?
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Two different opinions here but well....
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I'm definitely not an expert and there seems to be no end to opinion on optimization of all things.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Probably not. It used to link to 2 blogs and provide the url and those post too many similar blogs as spam. Lately it shows you have a link to this site.
Those contents on first page of site gets more exposure juice.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
IF the content and headline and keywords are identical, the answer is YES according to EVERY SEO training course.
However, if ones current status has them appearing on page 981,992, does it really make a difference? I mention this because most real estate traffic is delivered by 'feeder' systems or paid traffic. This keeps the website owner in control where action and result are linear. With SEO, to much depends on hoping magic happens.
Your blog should be independent of your website. The blog may be embed-link within the website. But you will need to make a decision, which site is to be your AUTHORITY site. This is important. Evergreen posts of a durable topic with comprehensive information supported by links to Wikipedia/EDU/GOV domains creates the authority big G likes.
Links to your authority site will elevate your feeder systems in SEO and deliver more usable results.
The bad news is that it is highly unlikely you will find a DFU solution.
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
John Henry, Florida Architect I'm a creature of habit. I always post here first and then spread it around. I've always ranked well, especially being I've never paid anyone to boost my standing. I figure how much could it hurt? Seriously?
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Katerina Gasset has provided a good answer.
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
I am with Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA on this. However, the rel=canonical link does not work in AR. Yes, it can be added in the html coding where the link is ... but it has never worked for me.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Katerina Gasset definitely has your answer. We all should 'catch' her webinars
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Not my area; however, looks like you received some good answers.
Bob "RealMan" Timm
Minot, ND
I would imagine it could hurt the rankings. To be on the safe side, rewrite it with a few different key words. That's what I've been doing and it seems to work well.