Unless this best person scores 100 on the "who is best for my client" exam and the first loser (aka second place) scored an 80, I'd look at other area agents. If they don't pay for referrals, that tells me they are probably too busy or just don't like working with other realtors. In those cases, will they really give the best service? Will they give you any status updates?
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Yes, there must be someone else with similar credentials. If this agent doesn't pay referrals, it's already a signal to me that he or she thinks too highly of himself or herself.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Marco Giancola
Miami Beach, FL
And there lies the ethical violation, and why most professions prohibit buying or selling referrals.
Kasey & John Boles
Boise, ID
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
If there were NO other very good fits for my clients yes I would the odds of only finding worthy agent in a market though are slim
John Duke
Burlington, NC
(1) I've never heard of an agent not paying at least 25% for a referral...not in 25 years. And I've never declined to pay one either.
(2) You'd need to define "best." Typically, I can find more than one great agent to refer to that my client would be happy with. So why not send to someone who will pay a referral fee.
Jacquie Cliff
Lynnwood, WA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I agree with Ryan Huggins - Thousand Oaks, CA and others on this. I make several referrals every year and always interview agents I don't already know before referring to them. I have never had an agent balk at paying the usual referral fee.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
It's different in the mortgage world, but if I were an agent, I'd expect compensation for sending over a gift wrapped package of a fully qualified client with a warm introduction. People pay for leads, and these are the 'glen gary' leads, so I think compensation is necessary.
The other referrals, where people get a random name and number, and forward it, then want 25%, I think that's a little crazy. I believe in being compensated for work done --- if absolutely no work is done, then no compensation should be present.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Whoever that is does not want, need or deserve your referral. Move On.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
This really isn't something we deal with in staging there are rarely referrals maybe 2-4 times a year I run into them
I can hardly believe there would only be one good agent that would take care of your clients... There are a lot of good agents out there..
Yes and as Corinne Guest, Managing Broker wrote. We are not unique and there are always many more choices
I have yet to find the best agent that will not pay a referral fee so I guess
I have been sending to less than the best.
There is never only 1 best agent just like there is never only one house. Look up several and interview.
If they truly are the "best" agent then they would not have an issue paying a referral fee. I am with Corinne Guest, Managing Broker
Yes, I would look for an alternative. If I got that response I would consider the arrogance that spawned it and move on ---- for the good of the client - and myself.
By all means I would send it to someone else. I'm sure the agent of who you speak doesn't refer without compensation...
I've never run across an agent that wouldn't agree to pay a referral fee. Maybe this is the best agent for your client, but why is this the best one?
If this agent won't pay a referral fee then maybe they aren't the agent they seem to be.
Greg I've never heard of an agent not wanting to pay a referral fee and I've been in the biz 28+ years.
Yes but why doesn't the agent pay referrals? It's standard business practice & is just a part of real estate. Maybe not the percentage?
"Best" is an elusive description for real estate agents. There usually alternatives that will meet the needs.
Greg Cremia Unless I'm doing some charity work, I would find another "best agent". This is a business and not a hobby.
Not sure I understand the question. I send the referral to the broker of the agent who is willing to take a referral fee for the referral.
We would question the eligibility to be "Best" in this case; unless they were the Only broker in a small town. What might they be hiding?
I agree with Corinne Guest, Managing Broker . Here in Santa Barbara, we have 6 best agents I would happily refer. Each is different and would suit different personalities. A
What consititues best agent? We have 100,000 other agents on the list....
Depends on the situation. First, the clients well-fair and then other dynamics