What is your purpose for randomly knocking on doors? Whatever it is ... align with that. Be yourself ... no scripts.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Have an Open House scheduled nearby. Tell them you wanted to let the neighbors know about the open house. Then ask them if they know of anyone who might be interested in that house, are they thinking of buying or selling, etc. Have a market report or something tangible to give them.
Susie Titchen
Longview, WA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Just ask them if they knew how much their home is worth and that you have buyers looking in their area.
Susie Titchen
Longview, WA
No longer a script fan, but if you want some ideas check the Mike Ferry site.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Are you planning on selling your home? Terrific - sign here - press hard - ity's 5 copies!!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I am your local real estate agent I would like to share some neighborhood news today
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
What is your goal when you randomly door knock?
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Here's the Ben Kinney (owner of ActiveRain) classic,
"I'm curious, do you have any real estate plans for the coming year?"
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
As Nathan Gesner suggested, prepare yourself a good elevator speech! I've never done door-knocking for any other reason than to let neighbors know I'm hosting an Open House so I have no real-life experiences to share in this department!
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Unless I am selling vacuums or window cleaner, I wouldn't use a script. Sit down and think about who you are and what service you provide. Get it down to a one-minute blurb and keep it natural. I hate a sales pitch but I'll listen to an individual that is real.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Thank you for sharing all the great thoughts and ideas. I am door knocking my farming area tomorrow. Hoping to land some good listings.
I have only door knocked when I had a specific buyer for that neighborhood, and usually left a flyer on their door.
William Piotrowski - door knocked once - and was almost 'gone'! Since then I forgot all the scripts - however, I think there are many available online at Mike Ferry's site.
I don't use scripts. I use to door knock. When I did that I carried a bundle of market reports for the neighborhood. It was one page and had a neighborhood picture to go with the information. It was folded so that you saw the back of the report and it said...What's My whatever the neighborhood name is Worth? I wanted it that way so when I had to leave the report, because no one was home, it would get the attention of the homeowner.
Scripts are great, but you need to use words that you would normally use. Not only does it sound more normal and flow better, but when you leave the script it won't be like you changed brains with someone else. "Well Special Agents Mulder and Scully, when I first met him he would not use contractions, after we started signing the contract he was using them every chance he'd get. That's how I know my realtor was abducted and replaced with a pod person."
Be careful, the people who are around during the weekday often REALLY need to talk to another human being and won't let you leave, three hours later.
the last time I knocked on doors in a neighborhood was decades ago.... I would ask: have you thought of putting your house on the market? if the answer was no, I'd then ask if they knew of anyone in the neighborhood who was thinking of selling.... if that answer was no, I'd ask if there was anyone they in the neighborhood they wanted to get rid of..... that would result in a laugh....and we usually have more conversation....
Sorry... I don't door knock... I don't appreciate having my door knocked on (unless someone is delivering me a gift or flowers) and I treat others the way I want to be treated.
I don't usually door knock unless I have a Buyer looking in a specific neighbourhood. I will knock on the door, and if there is no answer, I leave a letter (prepared in advance and bring with me) along with my business card letting them know I have a serious Buyer actively looking to buy in the neighbourhood and ask if they are thinking of selling any time soon. If not them, do they know any neighbours who are considering a move.
Have something in hand - a market report is my top choice and it opens your conversation. "I am getting the word out that the market is hot. Look how 2016 compared to 2015! Do you have any plans to get into the market this year? Do you know anyone who may be? Is this information interesting to you, and would you like to continue to receive it? Is email or mail best?" And so on. If you don't get an appointment, at least get contact information and permission to follow-up. Good luck!
First priority is to identify the passion of the home owner. The well manicured lawn, a bird feeder, flag, an impressive bed of petunias, or even the 'Beware of Dog' or guarded by Smith and Wesson signs.
That is a great big neon sign saying, "START HERE!"
Then I share I am an advocate of the community/city and love to share what others are doing on my blog. May I take a picture?
"As a real estate professional I have the privilege of meeting many interesting people in Palm Harbor. I think knowing our neighbors is a vital part of the fabric that keeps a community together. Please tell me more about your jorney that brings you here."
I will leave behind two resources they will use if 'real estate' is on their mind.
At first I thought you meant door hanger for the hit and run if no one home. No script and let the seller talk with one question after the "Good afternoon. Hi, I'm Scout Farm-for-listings..thank you for answering the door and I'm just out today to meet the folks living in this neighborhood personally. Do you or think any one around you for neighbors might be thinking about selling now or in the future?" Your home owner or renter answer is what you are after, what gets noted and scribbed down and then hand them some propaganda print listing flyers, how we market, who we are and thank them, move on like trick or treating. Door to door works! Get out of the office on a pretty spring day. Great exercise so no trailer truck tire grows around your waist. Warning... sleeping dogs on long long chains you wake up by mistake. Back peddle, warp five Mr Sulu. Sympathy for the mailman that does this stop daily.
What you leave when there is no answer may be more important than your script.