I use the calendar on my mac computer which is then synced to all my other electronic devices.. one entry into any device and it automatically gets input into the other calendars... I can set reminders anywhere from 5 minutes to 2-3 hours..
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
We use the calendar that is synched with all our electronic gadgets. So we both know what is what and when.
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
My website has one I use - works great as everything is in one place:
- Calendar/Scheduler
- Blog
- Lead management
- Agent Management
- Social Media Management
- Custom search filters
- Report Manager
- Closing Manager
- File Manager - download/uploads
- Backup Manager
- Import/export
- On and on and on and ....
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Back in the day, before smartphones I used a "Daytimer" .
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
I am a huge fan of Planner Pads. It's the only Planner that ever really worked for me. Check out this video presentation.
I love my At-A-Glance EXECUTIVE ... I call it My Office in a Book. I carry it with me everywhere and it works for me. It's quick and easy to change at a moment's notice and there is extra space for each day for Prioritized Activities. There is a section for Future Planning for 2018, Travel Expenses (itemized) for each day (monthly) and a variety of other things at the back. I have mine in a leather zipper cover with pockets for STUFF! Love it!
I used to love the Franklin Planners, now it is all on Outlook and easily viewed on all of my devices.
Those big calendars that the title company gives out are popular planners
I use Google online but have just a basic open box calendar I use too.
I use a free app on my phone called Jort but I am open to hearing about something else that may work better.
I have used a Day Runner Month at a Glance calender & colored pens for years, it still works for me.
I used to use the Daytimer, but my calendar on my phone syncs with my other devices and keeps me on track, and all I have to carry is my phone.
I use a spreadsheet for my task list, appointments, activity log, blog log, projects and mileage log. It is synced to my other computers and smartphone and backed up to flash drive and the cloud.
With a paper planner, there is a risk of loss, flood, or fire, and no backup.
The type-ahead feature pre-fills many columns and it is easy to copy and paste. It is also very easy to search a spreadsheet to find something quickly.
And there is no cost.
I have it all ( Ical, a traditional planner, todo lists, notes/stickers) , and even use my hand to write some urgent staff.
I'm still old school as well. I carry around a notebook with me and write everything in it.
I haven't used a dead tree calendar in decades. In this day and age, use the electronic one! Here's why: I input a meeting at 4pm and list the address. Google knows the traffic to get there and lets me know 15 minutes before I have to leave to arrive on time! It also shows on Google Maps that I have an appointment there.
I've always just used my Outlook calendar... don't know why anyone needs to be over-complicating the exercise.
The Essential Daily Planner for Real Estate Agents Success in 10 Minutes a Day by Melissa Zavala, you can get it on amazon
I love a paper planner sooo much. But we use google calendar and have a shared calendar now and I couldn't live without it now.
I've got a new one for sale at www.mypipelineproducts.com that is undated and you can start any Monday. The one Barbara cited is also great and available on Amazon, but if you want to check out the newer version, have a look at the website. Good luck to you :-)
You will need to choose the one that performs most reliably with the systems you use. Choosing a scheduler that goes wonky with your Microsoft/google/Samsun/iphone, and your carrier, is not the one to choose.
The problem is, THEY ALL SAY THEY WORK!
I would start with Google Calendar.......if you don't mind Google knowing even more out the secret parts of your life. Microsoft says they are not so snoopy. Live/Outlook/One Calendar is the MS products
Tia Peterson - I love the one from ReferralMaker.
I have heard lots of good things about EVERNOTE, too.
I also use my Apple iCalendar and LOVE it - I share it with my entire team, we all have color coded entries and I include my personal items there as well so that they will be able to respond to any phone calls or emails while I'm out. It works beautifully!
It syncs to my phone and iPads as well as my teams' Macs (which I provide) and their phones.
I can't help with this. I've been using digital calendars since 2000 when I bought my first personal data assistant (PDA). I've never looked back.
My cousin makes and sells her own brand of planners. Here's a link to her website if you'd like to check it out, Tia Peterson...
I keep papers and notes on my desk to a minimum by putting things into Excel workbooks, one sheet for each kind of topic. I have a page for service providers (painters, repairmen, etc), another page for blog ideas, another for places I want to go, and a lot more, but you get the idea.
As for a day planner, I plan to see what others are using. : )
www.PlannerPads.com has been my favorite for over a decade. It allows much better organization and tracking than most planners.
Our Board sells Boss Time Planners. They have different series, so if you are at a different level or need for from more or less experienced agents you associate with it can fit your business. I used one my first year and really enjoyed it. I thought it was a well planned and executed planner for agents.
I like Melissa Zavala's Business Planner for something to carry with you. I also use Google Calendar and have multiple calendars synced together.