As Gita Bantwal said, I'd create my SOI and get it into a database and start calling & marketing them; introduce your business.
I'd also find a networking group that's a good fit, social activity I enjoy and local charity/outreach program I want to support and get involved a.s.a.p.
Michael Setunsky
Woodbridge, VA
Les & Sarah Oswald
Eastvale, CA
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
I'd network with those in my area who are the most visible and ask for their business and their referrals....
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Les & Sarah Oswald
Eastvale, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Make a list of my sphere of influence.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Establish a database and follow-up communications on a regular basis!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Katina Hargrove 352-55...
Eustis, FL
Bryan Jones Can't say it better than Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor, CRSand Gita Bantwal .
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Bryan -- you have received some excellent suggestions. I hope 2017 brings you great results.
Know what the clients want as far as customer service, develop a great database and cater to them.
Work open houses and do door knocking to keep my cost down but figure out a unique way to be different.
Put together your sphere of influence and invest in a great CRM...start calling, meeting and talking! Best of luck!
Get out and meet people. Network, do open houses and start a farm area. It is all about the connecting with people.
The same thing I did over 14 years ago ... #1 - learn my craft well so that I can best serve my clients when I get them. Far too many new agents focus on getting clients and they have no clue how to serve them when they do.
Do an Open House for a too busy listing agent, preview every single listing in the market, put out signs and balloons, and prepare for action. Here that would actually work.
I would advertise, do social networking and ads, work on my SOI, and be sure to have a good CRM.
Do a list of sphere and put everyone on it that you know and tell them you are in the business now!
Depends on what you have the most of:
Time, money, contacts, influence, solutions, opportunity, collateral, experience, vertical and horizontal conduits into the community.
In the case of a new agent who is starting in a new city, they do not have contacts, influence, opportunity, collateral, experience or conduits of any kind.
They simply need to refer to their business plan and get to work.
I would advise creating solutions to crystal clear problems, then spend time and/or money announcing the availability of the solution.
Now that the agent has SOLUTIONS, they are prepared to engage the citizen in conversation.
Step two, the agent needs to put him/herself in the pathway of citizens.
1. I hope your question is step one of carrying out your marketing plan, and that you have a marketing plan.
2. Create a business plan. Sounds boring? Your vision, mission & values are all critical thinking so you can speak yourself to the world. They will give you an effective 30-second elevator speech of who you are and why people should choose you as a Realtor. Don't skip the business plan. It's very grounding to get yourself rooted in how your business will be & grow.
3. Design who you want in your SOI (sphere of influence). Yes, list family, friends & more (grocery clerk, etc) but now think what else you love to do, your favourite causes, etc and if you aren't already involved with those things, create ways to be active with them. This broadens who knows you while you are happy investing time with them. This is the foundation of your referral base. You'll build from there with all the other suggestions.
4. Show your business plan to your bank manager for first impressions & feedback. They can be very helpful, and they see a lot of plans so will know if yours has success on it.
5. Get a basic website and business card. You will improve on them lots, but you'll need to hand out something that will sell you.
This will keep you busy for at least six months! Best of luck (even though it isn't luck, it's about creating relationships with all those people).
When I opened my real estate business, I secured 60 rental units to manage before I ever opened the doors. This was the base income I needed to get things up and running. Best decision ever!
SOI, PPC, Canvas an area (walking) - all the old school/traditional techniques still work
My broker suggested that I call all my family and friends...sphere of influence. However, I had a limited sphere of influence, so I did the next best thing...OPEN HOUSE. Face to face worked for me. Good luck as you venture to the most satisfying career for 2017.
Meet face to face with all of your contacts and ask them for referrals.
Be sure to contact friends and family to share the exciting news and ask if they know of anyone thinking of buying and/or selling...
Good morning Bryan,
Probably the same thing I did when I first started.