No secret sauce with me. When people interrupt me when I am talking .... when they ask a question and then interrupt me when I am answering them ... they already know it all ... I'm done.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Sheri Sperry - MCNE®
Sedona, AZ
Carol Williams
Wenatchee, WA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Eve Alexander
Tampa, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I try not to second guess anyone's intentions or ability to carry out a task... if an agent asks, I answer, if I know the right answer....most agents are lazy and are always looking for the path of least resistance.... blogging, as an example, is rarely done consistently or at all by agents.... I continue to promote it and offer to discuss it....those who take me up on the offer never blog...
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Eve Alexander
Tampa, FL
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Raymond E. Camp
Ontario, NY
The phrase "you can lead a horse to water but you cannot make him drink" comes to mind!
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
I don't want to share that, same as what you just said.
I will share with those out of my market area only. Will not share with people in my office which sounds sad but they are 'in reality' my possible competitors.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Annette since I am a teacher I share a lot of information, especially about AR, blogging and social media. I also know that most do not want to do what it takes to start and follow through with blogging......so I don't waste time going on and on - unless I know the class is up to speed.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Getting something for nothing rarely helps either party, and the advice is usually wasted because only time and experience matter.
I don't aspire to share my secrets unless there is a quid pro quo (appraisers are always responded to), or it is for a friend/colleague who will reciprocate. I will give without expectation in most other instances, but not this one.
If you want the magic bullet, there are a million entries in Google.
This is not a one size fits all profession, and few are.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
There are no secrets out there when it comes to being a success in any business. The secret is getting off one's duff and doing it.. I think both Barbara Todaro and Raymond E. Camp said it perfectly. A
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I only share with those out of my area - problem solved LOL
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I am in favor of any sharing that will improve the profession. We cannot expect all to listen though.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I used to teach classes at the local association on blogging and technology. My classes were packed each time (I did this twice a year). SO many asked great questions and seemed motivated but, TWO of them have carried through with it and only one of them remains here and active! The other one is here but, inactive and focuses only on their own website. After years of exposure and support, taking calls day and night, emailing day and night and to only have two to 'get it' was very surprising to me...especially during the recession!
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Other brokers and agents: "Sorry, that is proprietary information."
John Q. Public: Basic info is free; anything else I charge an hourly rate.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
If they take written notes, that is the first clue that they are serious about what information is provided to them.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I am willing to share at this stage in my career that is if I have the time. I don't do any serious vetting.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Annette Lawrence , Palm Harbor, FL 727-420-4041 - yep, there are many who wants a piece of your brain.
Give them what they deserve: Nothing - unless they become your clients.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I go by my intuition and past experience.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Gabe Sanders summed it up very well. Nuff said!
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I generally don't share with people in my local area. Most are smart enough not to ask local agents.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I love helping others but not the stuff that I do unless they are from another state.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Sometimes it is hard to determine whether or not the people asking for advice are just using you for their own benefit, or if it is truly a legitimate opportunity to help, and perhaps make some business yourself. I don't share trade secrets with my known competition, but when recruiting, I have to provide information to potential new agents for the brokerage, who may go elsewhere with the knowledge I provided. Hard line to draw.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I have not experienced this problem.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
J usually give them my take ...most often they don't have the drive.to use my info
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
I freely share without judgement. If they are clearly looking for a magic bullet, I move on.
Annette Lawrence , Pal...
Palm Harbor, FL
Oh rats! I was looking for a link to a great post that would give me the answer!
I don't expect anyone to give me their trade secrets so that I would become competition for them in the near future.....