I get that question a lot and hate it everytime. Guess it doesn't hurt to ask but my standard response is...I think they might take a full price offer depending on terms so put it in writing and let's get a response from the one who makes the decision. There are many variables that go with any offer and we need your offer in writing.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Shanna Clark
Payson, UT
Derrick Guevremont
Rochester, MN
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Make an offer. Through another agent.
I really hate that Q. LOL
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Derrick Guevremont
Rochester, MN
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
many good answers here..... submit an offer and you'll get an answer.... here are some comps to verify the right price range....
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Susan Laxson CRS
La Quinta, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
It depends upon days-on-the-market here! I've had buyers determined to 'win' a bidding war with a sub-par Offer on a brand new listing. I let them know they are not going to get the home at that price but, their family insists they know more than I do!
I tell them, the seller will take list or above in that instance!
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
We know how much they are asking. If you want to make an offer, we can do so. Caveat, if it is too low you may not get a counter. What would you like to do!
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Step # 1 Do a CMA for the Buyer/ Price Consoling .
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
I always say make an offer and I'll see what I can do.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
@Shanna Clark - as much so that seller is compelled to counter!
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
If I am representing the seller I tell the buyer that I cannot disclose that information but please make their best offer and I will present it. If I am representing the buyer I respond that I have no way of knowing so make their best offer and I will do my best to negotiate it and get the best terms I can.
Peter Mohylsky,
Inlet Beach, FL
Write your highest and best offer and I'll present it to the seller.
Peter Mohylsky,
Inlet Beach, FL
If they're my buyer, we'll discuss comps and what I think it will most likely take to get the home, the risk of a low offer not being countered, etc..
If I have the seller, "Only the seller knows. Make an offer and we'll find out!".
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
How low? Hmm....well, I know that they will take more.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Submit an offer and we'll see what happens
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
You won't know until you make your offer.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I usually call the listing agent and have a conversation. Sometimes they will divulge.
"Submit a COMPLETE written offer and it will be presented to the Seller."
I would say, "All we know for sure is they will accept the list price!"
We'll find out what they will accept during the offer/negotiation phase.
I would try to talk them out of making an offer that is too low, though. It should be realistic.
We don't know until we engage them... Let's review the data and write up a fair offer that allows you some room to negotiate...
All good answers and a lesson in how to handle your client in negotiations.
Every buyer tries to pay less and every seller expects full price or more. But how low answer depends on your local market. If it is a new listing and most recent sales had multiple offers and went into contract fast, writing low ball offers would be the best use of your time.
If it's not my listing that is an easy answer. I tell them I don't know.
Oh MAN do I just LOVE that question! I tell them "Well, it's listed at 650 but they'll give it to you for 675." When they say "hey, wait a minute! No seriously how low will they go." I respond with something along the lines of "well, they're usually the first to go out at the Limbo game." Eventually I'll be kind and just tell them to bring their best offer and I'll see, but it's only been on the market a couple of days, so I don't expect any movement."
Show them them comparable sales and ask them what they would take if thy were the seller!
I get this question and I always tell them XXXXXX list price. Make us an offer - that's the only way to see where things can go.
Often i expaln to them the market conditions of a shortage of listing and increasing number of buyers. I let them know to make their best offer as they may not get a second chance of another buyer makes a better offer
Well that number forma seller will change day by day and as situations change. Make and offer and work on it. In my market if you are not at lest at the list price yoiu hae little hope
Whether I represent the buyer or the seller, the answer is - I don't know. The seller probably doesn't even know. And there is just one way to find out. But in this area, that's usually moot because it's such a strong seller's market.
I have told them we need to write something up to find out. When they ask me if they think they'd take (ridiculously low offer) I tell them we probably don't need to spend too much time writing that. All offers must be presented to the seller so I will just ask them verbally if we need to put that on paper.
Your buyer should make an offer they are willing to pay. We will see how the seller responds to it.
Best way to find out is to make an offer, and see if seller counters it.
If you represent the seller say make an offer and we will see. If it is a buyer then say let's find out by making an offer.
What are the normal listing to sale ratios of that town in the MLS? You should have that info in your brain always. Then just say that is the norm so you can get an idea.
There is a way to lead up to that by examing the market, subject property, condition and other misc. factors...Along the way, it will all surface
The owner will review ALL offers. The owner however is not going to negotiate against himself. So, let's give him an offer to work with. Oh, you don't want to offend the owner. That's why there is a "No Offense" price shown.
Maybe I won't use the last two sentences.
Rather you approach the listing agent like I have a very strong buyer and he thinks it is worth $balah price is it going to work for your client? The worst approach is send an insulating low ball.
I need more information to answer this question. What is the price point and who am I representing?
If I'm representing the buyer, I would share the comps and suggest they don't drift too far off from the market value. Some sellers are insulted and won't counter.
If it is too low they may not respond and you will not know until it is recorded!
All buyers want to know that but I can only give comps, I have no idea what the seller will accept. However, I can do some research such as how much of a loan does the seller carry, if any. I might have heard that he's going through a divorce or job change which is something I can share if I'm the buyers agent exclusively. In a dual agency situation, this gets very tricky and I stay with the sentence, "make an offer and you will find out."
Shanna Clark Have your agent submit an offer and I will present it and get back to you.