I have done this yes for my seller/buyer, but I do it, not the client. As to whether or not they cooperate, that is the question, but I have done this and did so as recent as this year and years past. I typically get a the contact info since they call me for access.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
As Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor, CRS answered -- I would make the call and since the appraiser will need to contact me for access, I will have his/her contact information. As Thomas mentioned whether they cooperate or not is another issue which I likely willl have no control.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I am with Michael Jacobs on this.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Thomas gave the right answer....
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor, CRS has a good answer.
However, in our profession our COE prevents us from sharing any info with anyone other than the client without written permission from the client.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
I've not had this come up, but I'd go with Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor, CRS's route. The seller could become argumentative, it's best to have that impartial third party as the go-between.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
Exactly what Thomas J. Nelson, Realtor, CRS said! You, not your seller can contact them with regards to the repairs.
Thomas J. Nelson, REAL...
La Jolla, CA
The seller has no right to the information. I will contact the buyers agents and get permission to contact the appraiser
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
If seller gets personal with the appraiser it could cause buyer to have to order new appraisal. I would NOT advise a seller to call them. Appraiser will tell seller they are not his client and they have no obligation to return calls or answer questions. What are the repair conditions I can tell you what is needed- send me the list and I will be happy to clairify in detail. It is a FEDERAL OFFENSE with huge fines to influence appraisers I would not go there. On lighter news: this stupid law may get trashed withthe new adminstration.
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
That assumes someone will give the seller the contact information! If it's on the inspection report, and if I were a seller with a question, I'd call. What are they going to do?
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
The principal always can contact or hire an independent appraiser. But an experienced realtor would always advice on necessary repairs, especially when a home inspection is done as well.
The listing agent probably could, but not sure if the Seller would be able to get this info.
If the Seller has their contact information what would prevent them from doing so?
Michael J. Perry - I do not recommend that. Ask all the questions through propert channels.
Best for the agent to do, it but I don't see why as long as it's strictly factual and informational that clarification of what's required can't be obtained. I suppose if you wanted to be technical you could have the broker contact the appraisal management company and pose those questions to the appraiser period Then nobody's talking to him & you get your answer anyway.
Sure why not. I will have their contact info as they need to call me for code to get into home.
The seller should not contact the appraiser. The listing agent should already have the appraisers name and number from meeting them for the appraisal, and then simply call for clarification if needed. The however part is the request most often will come from the buyer agent who was told what was needed and included it in a addendum with specification for repair.
There are definately certain FHA requirements on the condition of a home for it to pass the appraisal. These are published and you can submit these to your seller. You can also contact the FHA appraiser yourself (they will call you for access) and ask him/her what he will be looking for.
I thought no but hopefully a LO can jump in to answer. I never have been able to.
I don't know why you could contact the appraiser in this case, especially since you would have their contact information when they got in touch for access to the home. Whether the appraiser cooperates is another matter.
There's no reason you can't call the appraiser to discuss a condition of the appraisal/financing for clarification.