If your office doesn't have the listings... and there are other offices in the area that DO have them.... I have to question whether you're at the right office.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Evelyn Johnston
Elkhart, IN
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
my only question is "why are you at an office that has no listing inventory?"
another office is not going to allow you to host an open house at a listing of one of its agents!!
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
It's not recommended that you hold opens for other brokers. You would need permission of your broker, the other agent and the seller. If something goes wrong, there could be issues with legal and insurance. it would be better to keep looking for listings, or work with buyers.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
You sure you're at the right office? No one in your office has any listings?
Something is terribly wrong with that
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
I don't think your broker is going to love that for liability reasons. Next up would be doing a foreclosure where they allow that.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
I'm with Alan May and would question why your Brokerage is without listings. That would be terrifying for me. What does your Broker say?
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Um, no listings in your office? Time to find another brokerage - sorry but that's the best advice I can give
Everyone advised you about "other Brokers" so I will leave that alone.
What I will suggest, is that you determine what price range and what type of house you want to hold open. A lot of agents will try to pass off "dogs", that is, houses that are not selling, the Seller is unhappy, so the other agent gets YOU to to be the patsy. Don't go there.
I personally suggest mid-range to high-priced houses that are new to the market. Those houses will reflect what type of agent you are; the Buyers and Sellers who attend those houses will determine the price range / type of clients that you represent or work with.
You better check with your broker to see if this is possible since you are in California.
Alan May offers an excellent response.
Go touch base with agents you have had cross sales with and enjoyed working with. I did do one open house for an agent and we did a cross sale on said house.
Liz Kroft -is it possible to join the office where there are listings? Just my two cents...
Whoa! Your office has no listings? Unless the company does only buyer representation, you should look around for an office that does have lisgings.
Liz Kroft , find a listing in an area you like that has an out of area Realtor. It would be best should the home be vacant. Call and ask if they would mind if you hold the home open. They may end up referring buyers or sellers to you in the future.
Get your broker's approval before you try contacting other agents and office. And those agents should get their broker's approval before agreeing to anything.
If I were you, I would be very concerned that no one in the office has any listings and start looking for a better office with a broker who does have listings.
That's like working for 2 brokers and that's not legal in California nor Hawaii.
Find listings in the neighborhood or price range you want to work in and call those agents.
Knock on For Sale By Owner doors and ask if you can hold their house open.
Call Expireds and ask them if you can hold their houses open.
Find the listings you want to host open and call the listing agent and ask. I let other agents from other brokerages host my listings ... with seller permission of course.
Liz Kroft Perhaps, your office does not focus on listings.
You can attend weekly Broker open houses in your area, and ask listing agents to allow you hold open houses.
Considering others have said that your office doesn't have listings and that could be a problem.. I have experienced newer agents from other brokerages requesting to hold mine open and I have agreed to allow them to when the listing needs the exposure. Contact other agents and tell them how you would do it and why and they may agree - it doesn't hurt to ask.
- Find a good listing that will draw a lot of people.
- Call the agent and offer to hold it open.
- Rinse & repeat until you find someone who says yes.
Just pick up the phone and call every agent in your office or simply send each an email with introduction and your offer. Good luck.
Call the broker at the other offices and see if they know which agents may be willing to work with you on this.
Good luck, I like open houses too.
Check with your broker but if you are having trouble finding open houses, I recommend calling vacant and out of the area agents who have listings near you. I have held them open and it is a great way to get referral business if you develop a relationship with them. I always provide feedback after the open house. Actually sometimes it easier to get them to allow you to hold open than local agents.
There is some great advice here already. Not sure how this would work with your Broker, but I once had an agent I spoke to from another brokerage ask me if I wanted to hold his listing open. It had been on the market a very long time and he really needed a contract!
Do it just like you are doing right now. Many agents do not like or have the time to do an open. Always answer the key question that everyone wants to know: Q: Whats in it for me? Have that answer ready before it is needed
I have done Open Houses for other agents in my office, even if I did not know them, being new to real estate. You mentioned that your office doesn't have Listings right now, so I would go to another office in your brokerage Liz Kroft, and hope they are not in another city/town that is very far away. I would visit them and talk with their Manager, and ask if you can do Open Houses for any of their agents. I would then check-out the areas of the Open Houses, before asking a specific agent if I could do their Open House. I know that they will be receptive - and Good Luck! at that OH!