Lyn> As one who has been in this crazy business as a Licensed Mortgage Banker for 46 years I have seen many,many changes in our business. Most Realtors have somewhat of a loyalty to their Loan Officer. You cannot blame them,and must respect that relationship. Also,with the Internet, many buyers are Pre-Approved or have their own Bank or Loan Officer. Years ago the Realtor had much more control over a buyer,but no longer. Referral sources that still have promise besides Realtors are Attorneys, Builders, Accountants. Your best referral is "word of mouth",what many new LO's forget to do is contact recent borrowers. Ask them are the happy with their present mortgage and of your service,ask them to remember you when they hear someone is looking to buy a home. I make it a habit to send out over 1800 e-mails to all my past clients every month. Finally, if you want to get some Realtor business, ask one to send you a deal that "died", you may be able to get an approval and no Realtor will be upset with a renewed deal. I have portfolio money,which allows me to get some deal closed that other lenders can't. It a tough business selling a SERVICE and not a product. Any time you want to "bump heads" with me feel free to do so.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
The LO/Agent relationship is much like a marriage. I met my wife in a bar at 2 o'clock in the morning and one of the first things she said was "I hate men, they all want just one thing". I took this as a challenge and told her that I agree but I am not like any others you''ve ever met. We proceeded to talk for the next 2 hours over things I can't remember, and she left without me asking for her phone number. Two weeks later, I got her number from a friend and called, left a message, then called again the next day. We talked on the phone for another 2 hours, and I got the nerve to ask her out. She accepted the offer. She moved in 3 weeks later and after 9 months we got married. On September 10th, we will have been married 33 years. We have excellent communication, are committed to one-another, honest, and loyal. My marriage is 51/49% which changes to 49/51% depending on the issue. We work on strengthening our relationship and proving it EVERY day. While she had a hard outer shell when we first met, I knew that their was a soft yoke inside and I was determined to crack that egg. Agents are the same way. When I call, many say "I'm too busy", or "I have a lender". My answer is the same. "You haven't met me, and if you take 15 minutes out of your busy day, I will prove it" So if you have been burned by your lender in the past and think they are too into themselves, call or e-mail me and I will give you the same commitment that I give in my marriage.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I don't want fancy emails, text reminders, newsletters and constant "I'm here for you" noises. I need my players pre-qualified quickly 7 days a week from dawn until dusk if it is necessary. Then, I want customer service to go to work not the mouthing of it. I want my clients wowed and me informed
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
It's an interesting quandry - we want referrals from professionals we deal with, yet they deal with many of us at the same time - it's a win/lose for us and a win/win for them
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
IMO problem with LO wants in a realtor is they deal with a lot more of us than we do with them - so the numbers don't work in our favor but do in theirs
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
We sposored a luncheon for our Board affiliates which were mostly lenders and gave them an opportunity to tell our leadership what they wished agents would do to make the job better. It was very productive.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
They need to TCB, as Elvis would say. Take Care of Business.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
They need to close the deals to make a name for themselves.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I hear requests for this info often from new members of AR who are in lending.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Good to read the responses from Bob Betel and Joe D'Agostino . ActiveRain provides so many opportunities to hear the perspective from "the other side".
It is hard to break into an office just like it is hard to get the loan officers to give referrals back