Debbie Reynolds - I am sure AR is always there to help such really 'needy' members - if any who can't afford AR subscription.
What I have seen is, some people take advantage of these specials - and do not participate in the community at all!
And let me ask one question - which tool has better ROI than blogging on ActiveRain?
If the person promises to participate fully (and can be shown by the good points they collect) I may sponsor them.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
JoAnn Moore
Georgetown, DE
Jerry Newman
San Antonio, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Peter Mohylsky,
Inlet Beach, FL
Kathleen Luiten
Princeville, HI
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I would suggest to spend some time as a Rainer, mingle, read other members blogs, learn from webinars, participate in contest. When you are feeling strong enough to go public, go.
Ryan Huggins - Thousan...
Thousand Oaks, CA
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Getting into real estate is getting into business; we are entrepreneurs and as such, must spend what we need to in order to generate and maintain business. With that said, I think A/R is a bargain, especially when you consider that with a little sweat equity, it is eventually free.
Ironically, some of my hghest priced listings have come directly from AR.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
JoAnn Moore
Georgetown, DE
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Many miss the fact that they can launch unlimited Blog Posts about their LISTINGS !!! Once launched , they can then move the post all over Social Media ! There's no way you can get the same exposure for your listings for such a small monthly fee !
Michael Ehline
Los Angeles, CA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
Well I think $199 for the year is more than fair. That's 16.67/month. Given the growth you can get to your topline - from blogging, networking and learning marketing better, I'd say it's more than worth it. I think they also offer a month free.
I agree with Noah Seidenberg comment, too. It is a business. It's one of the best investments I've made in mine.
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Jerry Newman
San Antonio, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
The most recent discount that I saw a while back was $99 for a year, cant beat that price, and even at the regular price of $199 per year it is still a bargain.
And anyone who really uses this wonderful resource to the fullest can easily earn a free account in a year or less.
Michael Ehline
Los Angeles, CA
Jerry Newman
San Antonio, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
It's fair I think, although I would prefer it to be half what is, then I would join as well :)
Michael Ehline
Los Angeles, CA
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
It's really not that much, and I believe you can get a discount if you ask
Michael Ehline
Los Angeles, CA
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
I paid the $199 to join and thought it was a fair price. With limited marketing dollars, it may pay to jump in headfirst on the Rain and get their name out there by blogging, responding, and learning from the best of the best!
Michael Ehline
Los Angeles, CA
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
With the high costs of alternatives, the annual membership may be a bargain. It may be a good idea to develop a blogging habit before becoming a Rainmaker.
Michael Ehline
Los Angeles, CA
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I think it is worth the money but agree with Inna Ivchenko's advice to "play in the Rain" for a few months first.
Michael Ehline
Los Angeles, CA
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
When I started I believe they offered one month free Rainmaker account. I'm not sure if that is true today. If $199.00 is the current yearly fee, that seems very reasonable to me and much less than I paid. With consistency and commitment to being involved, free membership can be achieved in less than two years within the current point structure.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
$39 per month is a deal... and it dwindles downward as you cross 100K point markers. When you hit 500,000 points AR becomes Free.
What a deal!
Debbie Reynolds Compared to other costs for getting into this business, AR is a small price to pay.
I too joined years ago without a charge to help build the platform. Now I believe that you will appreciate it more, if you pay for it. That being said, I believe there is great value in the work you do on the site, whether posting or networking. You will reap the rewards and they will be far greater than the monthly fee.
If the new member was a listing agent may be worth the cost if they use it daily. Time is the big factor to consider based on return. Different for everyone!
The potential new member needs to determine whether he or she will actually actively utilize the membership for creating public posts on a regular and consistent basis for marketing purposes first. Otherwise, there is no need to utilize marketing dollars for the service. A review of the member's marketing plans, budget, other marketing costs should also be conducted. Does the potential new member already receive similar services through the member's brokerage or franchisor?
I believe the price is "fair" as is. The monthly fee is a hard pill to swallow for newbies on a budget, though. I believe they would get more subscribers if the monthly fee was less. I took advantage of the annual subscription special they ran during the holidays last year.
I thought it was 9.99 per month but then I saw $199 per year. I'm not sure if you could get a WP site up & running for that price per month.
Not sure, but there are many other blogging platforms available that are free until member reaches ability to pay a monthly fee. I started with a promo that was $29.00 per month, then it dropped to $19.00 monthly, and for the last 6 months, it's been $9.00 per month.
I equate prices with dinners-If I go to dinner with my wife, have 2 drinks and a budget meal, with tip, thats $50. Is that worth a month of marketing?
Praful Thakkar
Burlington, MA
I started out getting my feet wet on AR with just a free account. After awhile, once I knew my way around, I decided to invest in a Rainmaker account. Maybe that's the way to start if money is really tight. After you get 100,000 points under your belt, it's $10/month cheaper.
I really have no idea, but it's worth it. Perhaps $50 max a month as Ron and Alexandra Seigel said
It is a business and costs money Debbie, do not skimp on your marketing is what I say.
I have no idea how to gauge the price. We joined ages ago when there was no charge. As a wild guess, perhaps $50 a month may work...Again, it is an uneducated guess. A
I would become a rainmaker right away, you can get referrals here if you work it.
Getting 1 new sale will pay for the next 100 months of being a Rainmaker
I'm working on the tier, $10 less for each 100,000 points. Now, I wish I would have paid the year upfront. It's all part of our marketing budget. This monthly fee is about the same cost as a night out for dinner. Still monthly, it adds up!
What is the current rate. Also is this person someone that will like writing. That might make a difference. Maybe someone in this position should have a free account for a month or so and see how blogging works and if it's for them.
Marketing on a budget is such a challenge, and I was lucky to join when it was still free!
The one thing I have spent money on that made a huge difference was Brian Buffini's program.
I think the price is fair. If you go gung-ho at it, you can be at the free account in about a year and a half and doing the monthly rate, you'll get good discounts along the way.
It is the best value and best ROI for most people IF they use it to their fullest potential. If $199 a year is the fee ... then it is just ...as they say ... a NO BRAINER.
I joined 7 years ago and I think I paid $300 for the year because I paid it all up front.... I think the full price was $360/year.... all I needed to do was learn what blogging was!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many newbies don't start posting right away; may want to wait until ready to do that.
There are other sites that are not real estate related but will push blogs to the web. What are their costs?