Oh no never! LOL No seriously NO.
Katina Hargrove 352-55...
Eustis, FL
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
When I was with Century 21 they still had those gold coats. I refused to wear one.
Sandra Steele
Cottonwood, AZ
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
Never. I take great delight in people telling me I don't look like most Realtors
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Nah, I don't even where a name tag anymore
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
I have a cap I wear that has the company logo. It hasn't started up a conversation. I get more conversation out of wearing a nametag around.
Wayne Zuhl
Cranford, NJ
Dennis Swartz
Columbus, OH
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
No to this method...reminds me of "Eat at Joes" campaign decades ago where a guy walks around with a double sign in front of Joes cafe. Eat there it says!
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
No, but i collect those kind of T-shirts on one of my Pinterest board. I'm going to make some!
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
occasionally, I'll wear a RE/MAX sweatshirt in the winter.... not often.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I look terrible in the Berkshire Hathaway cream and burgundy and if I know the color or style doesn't suit me, I don't do it. I haven't worn my company colors since we changed from Priudential blue. That color worked for me.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I do own some logo shirts for networking mixers & conventions and I most-always wear my name badge (if I choose to wear a suit instead of logo-wear) when networking-to avoid the "Hello My Name Is..." stickers.
But, in the day to day world, I wear a shirt & tie, no logo, no badge.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
No we do not; we are perhaps missing some business as a result.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Jeff Pearl No, I hung up my gold jacket a long time ago.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I used to wear RM t-shirts but stopped. Don't know why other than it got too hot or cold.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I have worn all my RE/MAX shirts until they were thread bear
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I have a blue Coldwell Banker jacket and tee shirt I have been known to wear.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Yes, We have our company name above our polo shirts pocket.
Dennis Swartz
Columbus, OH
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I wear my RE/MAX badge most of the time. Sometimes I'll put it on when there is no business function going on. I don't want to be a secret agent.
Christopher Albanese, GRI
Orlando, FL
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Was in Jordan, Middle East. These two tourists came up to me asking which KW brokerage in Silicon Valley do you work at? We both are brokers looking for agents in your town,
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I would not nor would Ron. It just is not our style. A
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I do not Jeff Pearl
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
No thank you.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Sometimes a WMS Cap, but most of that looks tacky or uniform like, not something we want.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Yes I do in certain places such as at the pool at Cottonwood Ranch, grocery store and appropriate places.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
My rule regarding business clothing is to always dress in a way that the world can easily tell who is the professional and who is the customer. That means dressing better than you think is necessary for the situation (I'm looking at you home inspections). Name tags go a long way to add some level of "authority" to an otherwise normal business outfit.
A name tag has led to many conversations with potential buyers and sellers for me. They see the name tag and ask how the market is doing, then just take it from there. However, I will note that this often backfires in the grocery store with confused shoppers asking me where the "such and such" is.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Funny you should ask today. Our Broker gave us really nice golf shirts with our company logo on them and our club status (production level) on them. I am wearing it today because I wanted to be casual, but needed to be in the office. I don't find it starts any conversations when I am out in it though.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
No, I do not. I do not even wear a name badge.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Nah, I've thought of sponsoring a little league team but decided against it
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I do have a T-shirt with my company name, but that's because it's my own; wear it rarely, e.g. town events.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
We occassionally wear branded polos - just a small logo - and we always wear name tags.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I will be making up Tshirts with my logo and information for my family to wear and clients in the fall.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
No. However, career apparel is effective.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Just my name tag that usually is enough. I've go to get one of those shirts....
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Maybe a polo shirt with the brand name and logo. Never a walking billboard ad!
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I have two better homes shirts but don't wear them often.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I am in Property Management and we wear logo shirts-it cuts down on the shootings!
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I don't think wearing clothing with a logo is a bad idea. I don't do it, but have thought about ordering a few shirts....
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Jeff Pearl - it's a good idea - though I do not do it.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I wear my name tag when I'm meeting someone for the first time - especially if it's in a busy complex lobby. Other than that, my 'style' is what I "feel" that day when I step out of the shower!
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Never. Not interested in being a billboard and don't always have time to change from work to personal business.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
We have logo shirts with our company name embroidered on them.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
The closest think I have is an Hermes scarf with gold keys on an off white background. People don't comment on the keys.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Never a t-shirt or anything blaring as shown but I have worn branded dress shirts with the property's logo which I represented.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
Yes, we do have polo shirts (Roger wears these) and long-sleeve dress shirts (Roger and I wear these), all with a corner logo. I mostly just wear my name badge, as in the summer, they do not work with dresses. I do have a very nice black sweater with the logo in white, that is great for fall and winter though Jeff Pearl.
Jeff Pearl
Lovettsville, VA
I wear my own Company tag, funny thing is that if I am at a store, customer think I work there:) No T's for me