Yes, we do sparingly. And we do it, we recommend it, we recommend to use a pro. The easiest part of a video is to shoot one. The difficult part is to write a script, and the most difficult part where a video is perfected is in the editing room. The editor can make or break a feature movie, and the same goes for the video. A
Elyse Berman, PA
Boca Raton, FL
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Its in the plan, but always the part that gets pushed back in my overly busy business.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Yes definitely. Properties, neighborhoods, interviewing local business's and our vendors. Plans for a lot more coming.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Yes I make a video of every listing and post it. Buyers like videos. I have aslo done many FAQ videos, neighborhood tours and market updates.
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Yes we do. We use listing video, market report video and videos highlighing neighborhoods.
I did a raw video years ago with the flip video camera that Bob Stewart asked me to try out for AR. I drove through our Aero Club community showing the homes, the runway, etc. It as very raw, no editing. I uploaded it to our website and to AR.
Nestor was beside himself and told me not to post it because I did not sound like I knew about airplanes:) I posted it.
2 weeks later we get a call from an out of town high end buyer who LOVED the video. He told me that he wanted to work with us because through the video he could tell we were unprententious and authentic and not pandering. Nestor sold him a 1.5 million dollar property in the Aero Club, all cash, closed in 3 weeks. He flew his plane in to the closing at the property:)
So it works!
I also have an entire series of short sale videos that are on one of our short sales sites and on a specific channel on YT - we got a lot of listings from those videos.
Donna Foerster
Parker, CO
I don't. I have seen quite some examples where it wasn't done professionally and has fallen short.
Animoto via Realbird.....I love Realbird....makes my life easy and that's exactly what I want....and easy life!!!
We are beginnig to use more, but it must be a higher end property to warrant the time investment in editing. Raw video is just not acceptable for a good presentation.
Yes..about the community I market, events going on that I sponsor..giving the flavor to consumers of the community.
Yes and it's in my plan to develop more. Right now I have a video of every lsting and the plan is to do more consitent localism videos.
Donna Foerster - almost did it, using Drone in my listing! The quality was not good so left it alone.
I do use some market reports using animation video.
Neighborhoods and field trips to specific locations I am writing about.
Yes I have, but not marketing my business - listings, neighborhoods, things to do, businesses, events, and some How To videos
I am trying to include video in my marketing plan! I seem to always running behind and wanted to do a video today for the new blog I wrote!