Create its own web page on your own domain on a site that you own. Then create a single property listing for it on Realbird for syndication. Make sure to write an amazing article about it and find out what is unique about the property and write a press release about it. Send it out to your local papers, etc.
If the property warrants it, hire a drone to get some great aerials.
Evelyn Johnston
Elkhart, IN
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
An effective website.
Chita Parus
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Realbird.com is very affordable and offers individually web pages for each listing. Using good keyword will help you more than anything.
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
Just make everything you use look wonderful - professional photography and brochure design, great staging. Also, my broker has set up access to some high-end sites for our luxury homes. Check with your broker.
Debe Maxwell, CRS
Charlotte, NC
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
create a webiste on Realbird.... load it with photos.... colored renderings....
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I'm with Nestor & Katerina Gasset on this one!
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Nestor & Katerina Gasset - have the best advice for your question!
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
I would say professional photography.
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Professional photography. Professional description for MLS, real estate websites (zillow, trulia, realtor, realbird), blogs and social media. Professional syndication.
Roy Kelley
Gaithersburg, MD
I use realbird.com. Tell Gabe I sent you. But seriously check out what this site has to offer for one low yearly price. I can do single property website very easily. This impresses my sellers. It also does the virtual tour for you.
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Nestor & Katerina Gasset had a great process
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
new const? or existing..first use the word custom custom custom in all wording. like trump uses "wall". Lyn Sims has it right.. i create a website for each of ours.. but we are selling multiple locations
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
write a post and share it on all of the social media channels.
make sure it is on the mls too.
- Professional photography (daylight and dusk)
- Professional videography (drone photography with specialty properties - lake, golf course, equestrian)
- YouTube
- LuxuryHomes.com
- Description - luxury home sellers do NOT like 'flashy' write-ups - they want what THEY love about the home described and for you to tout the location of the home.
- Individual Website (specific niche url also)
- Individual FB Page - share on your business page and your company's as well.
- Mini brochures (folded business cards) that they can share with their friends, neighbors, co-workers
- Custom signs with texting number (some do recordings as well)
- Include "coming soon" "just listed" and "open house event" in newsletters and email flyers.
- Invitations to open house events
- Local high-end magazines
- BEFORE it's listed, start making calls to agents who sell in the area - when you call, you're also confirming that they received your invitation to your open house event AND let them know you'll send over the video if they think one of their buyers may have interest. My most recent luxury home sale came from an agent call - she had shown her buyer another one of my listings nearby and I thought her buyers may like this particular home even more. We chatted, I sent her the link to the photos and the YouTube walk-through tour (all on the same webpage) and we are Closing in a week on this property!
There you have it - the bulk of my secretsauce!! Most of this I learned on my own during the downturn and from CRS designation but, added a few with the Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist certification. Hope this helps Reid Wyly!
Is it a luxury custom home? My answer will depend on your marketing budget. If your website has a decent SEO ranking, your on-line efforts will be "optimized".
Not any different than other listings, Reid. We market internationally and intensively on all the major websites, YouTube and social media, etc.
Massively marketing it via all major network. Great pictures are the must.
Reid Wyly - Internet marketing, Facebook advertising and of course, blogging here in 'Rain as Rainmaker.
Professional photography (including dusk photos with exterior lighting on) and aerial photography, and at least some staging. As for getting maximum exposure for it... social media -- target luxury/high end types, advertise in local country club and/or yacht/sailing club publications, etc.
Professional photography. Professional description for MLS, blog posts, and social media.
Make sure the photos are gorgeous and consider a professional video. Market it here on AR and be sure to talk about the custom features. Set up a single property website and use a custom URL in your marketing. Perhaps a fun and creative open house (invite the neighbors)
All homes in our neighborboods are one of a kind. That does not mean they belong to estate catagory. I suggest a professionally done viedeo.
You 'create' exposure for your listing.
Start with a post on the exact address of the property & description. Do a web flyer. Google will index it & that's a start.