I have very little trouble dealing with divorcing couples, friends or otherwise.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
The only time stuff becomes a nightmare is when we are tempted to take sides... If you can stay objective, you will be fine. A
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
Nah, I don't think I've ever worked with a friend or relative in 11 years of selling
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
It always seems to be a nightmare! I just told a divorcing couple "I will not play monkey in the middle"!!
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I so agree with Ron and Alexandra Seigel . I've been objective and not taken sides in a divorce and all went well.
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Divorce attorney's goal is to make parties fight until the billable hours eat up all their savings. Selling the house has emotional charges that you will need to calm. Downsizing is what is needed but hard to do. If you have resources for splitting up personal property cheaply it will help this along. Neither party wants to pay for storage, pay for staging or repairs. Although we think our furniture is worth what we paid, unless it is an antique it is best to donate it rather than store it. Get both parties to sign listing price, lowering price and any concessions they are willing to make as an add on to your contract, plus fair fighting rules. If handled well, the divorce attorneys may both refer you future clients.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
We have experienced it both ways and it generally only gets worse when attorneys get involved.
Hi Paul!
I have represented a friend going through a divorce and I have also been part of one. It's usually not a smooth sailing as many emotions are involved, as well as children, memories, and much more. I can recommend to have much patience, understanding, lend a shoulder, listen and always have the best interest of your friend. And if it truly is a friend, and there are children involved, also bring their best interest to the table.
A divorce is a traumatic situation for a family, and a move is another trauma. So it's best to always handle it with lots of care. Generally, a divorce is not a happy moment and how we handle it can help make a difference in a painful situation.
If I can be of any more help, please feel free to contact me.
Switzerland is a nice place and a good strategy when it comes to working in real estate too.
Depends on the parties involved. Some are practical and some out for revenge without thought as to the consequences!
I represented both friends going through the land of hell and high waters. It was okay as far as business and cooperation with mission accomplished. However, the price paid in the personal realms was costly for all (me too)
No personal experience, but have followed. Usually divorcing couples shy away from using a friend as one or the other normally has an objection. I've seen court-appointed agents to keep things "neutral". Usually not pretty.
Yes and the ex-wife tore us both apart. Despite remaining neutral you can rarely win
Yes, more than once. We managed to make it smooth enough and avoid the nightmares.
Depends who hired you and who makes decisions. If it is your friends, it is always harder sale, even if they are not divorcing:)
Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, Broker, Tacoma Washington - fortunately, no.
I've never represented a friend in this scenario, but we have represented clients that were going through divorce. It was definitely sensitive.
We will have the opportunity to represent friends in a month or so. We met with them once to talk about getting the house ready. It was a little awkward, but otherwise ok. They were both agreeable.
Thankfully I've only come close to this situation. It's not something I would want to deal with.
Oh yes Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, Broker, Tacoma Washington several times and they were not all "pretty"... But they all appreciated that I stayed neutral and got them through the difficult time of splitting up their assets and helping them to move on.
In one case. it was their last opportunity to drive each other crazy. In another case, the couple was into conscious un-coupling before it was cool.
Yes, I have, and thankfully they both trusted me. I met with them seperately and would not tolerate any ugliness on either side.
Not friends ... but I have had clients going through a divorce. It was war of the roses between them ... making it more challenging for me because they refused to be in the same room together.
I haven't had a friend going through that but I have helped clients - and it was a nightmare
I've never done that but when my ex and I sold our house, it was not smooth sailing.
I prefer to stay far away from this kind of situation; both personally and professionally.
Paul yes I've dealt with a number of divorce situations over the years. It's not easy but it can be done with a lot of patience and staying centered and not taking sides. They'll want you to, trust me, they will. Just don't!
it wasn't a nightmare.... just handle it as business and put the friendships aside....