every home is worthy of staging, except for a fix and flip or teardown..... there are different types of staging advice for different price points and the greater the magnitude of home, the greater the need for staging....
Sharon Tara
Portsmouth, NH
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Austin, TX
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Hi Tari - Staging comes in a lot of different forms, from moving furniture and decluttering to bringing in lots of stuff. Each property will have a unique answer and a long-term relationship with a good professional stager will provide a good source of expertise on what may be needed. But it almost always pays to have a property looking its best.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Sharon Tara
Portsmouth, NH
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
I agree with Barbara Todaro . She said it perfectly. A
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Austin, TX
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
For occupied properties, I have a stager do a walk through of the property. She writes her recommendations and submits them to the seller. The seller may elect to employ some, all or none of the recommendations.
For vacant properties, I suggest that the seller have a consultation with a stager and decide if they'd like to proceed.
People often ask if staging is worth it. There's a reason new homes are staged. It's not because it's ineffective.
Sharon Tara
Portsmouth, NH
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
It depends on how you define staging. Proper presentation can enhance any property and as Barbara Todaro responded -- this is not necessary for an extreme fixer or teardown.
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
Yes, and I let the budget determine whether the owners DIY with a professional consult versus having the stager handle everything.
Sharon Tara
Portsmouth, NH
look up Kathy Streib and Sharon Tara they are the experts (IMHO) on that
Sharon Tara
Portsmouth, NH
I agree with Barbara Todaro ..every home is worthy of staging! I subscribe to staging no matter what price point!
Sharon Tara
Portsmouth, NH
It would be wonderful if sellers would agree to the fee associated with stagers. It starts with a seller who isn't looking to pinch pennys. If you get one of those, have them consult with a stager. Every home could benefit from it.
Sharon Tara
Portsmouth, NH
I do not at this time use one because there isn't one in my area! I think that staging is the most important part of pre-listing that you can have. The seller has to make the best 1st impression.
Some sellers pay, some agents offer it to a certain price level, etc. It depends on what you want to set up or make part of your business model.
We have so many great stagers here on AR for you to learn from.
Sharon Tara
Portsmouth, NH
I discuss this at the listing appointment especially if the house needs it. Most need something so it is just part of my presentation. I have many options for stagers, decorators and vendors to take care of issues that might hinder the sale and if the seller is open to that I suggest an appointment and let them make the decision. Based on that discussion I give them a price range with and without the improvements or staging that is needed.
It's up to the seller always as they are the ones who pay for this.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
It depends on the property and how it looks, plus the local market. Recent sellers have done a great job of preparing their homes for market and I didn't feel it was needed. But I often recommend it
Teri Pacitto
Westlake Village, CA
The vacant ones where the seller wants to get top dollar and sees the value.
Depends on the price of the home, The bigger the price the more I invest.
Staging is something that must always be considered and, in my opinion, be price appropriate to the expected ROI.
Very interesting reading through the comments.
Thank you James Dray for the shout out! I appreciate it!
One thing I would like to add (based on comments)....
When considering home staging, price point shouldn't be the determing factor. Regardless of price, all homes show better when furniture is arranged to show space and function. All homes show better when the right paint color is used, when positive features are highlighted, when red flags (items suggesting future problems) are removed, when the home appears to be well maintained and cared for.
The value of staging is not limited to vacant and/or high end homes.
Thank you for inspiring me to write a post on the subject today!
Every situation is different. Can the seller bear the expense? Can they afford not to?
I think all agents should be able to assist the seller with staging tips; however, bring in a professional when the list price hits a certain level.
I offer advice to all my sellers, it is up to the seller to decide if they want a professional stager over and above what we offer.
Condos in our area are pre-staged and seldom get updated. Houses, only the highest end homes bother
Tari Reph - I suggest the seller to do so. However, if the house is in a great condition, I do suggest the seller not to worry about it - like my last listing.
It's extremely rare that we use a stager. Most sellers don't want the additional cost.
I think stagging is a good thing to do, but it hasn't caught on yet with sellers in my area.
Not all of them Tari but if needed I will suggest a staging by a professional. It defiantly works.
I do not, but I explain to my clients what would help them. Each home and seller has different needs in their home and fancy staging may not work. Clean and neat is the key.
I leave that up to the seller. But I almost always use a professional to do the whole staging job or to come in and tweak whatever I do.
There are no stagers in our market. Having confidence in your opinion will help you advise. If there were a stager here, I would use them for all homes over a certain price point.
Some listings may not be appropriate for staging consideration including properties intended to be demolished and replaced.
I cannot say it any better than Barbara Todaro - it is not one size fits all.
I only use a stager when the house doesn't show well, and when the seller will agree to foot the bill.
While every home might deserve it, many will have to go without.
It would be nice to use one with all listings, but a) sellers don't always want to pay and b) it may not be necessary; sometimes just a good cleaning and decluttering may do the job, especially if cost is an issue.
Tari yes we stage most listings if at all possible. Some we call 'light staging' to perk up the pics etc. We always hire a professional photographer as well. Congrats on your new business!
I'd suggest you to get in touch with your local staggers, get to know their individual styles, prices, service they provide and offer that information to your clients who are interested. Staging can be very expensive and even we all would like to have nice looking houses, not all our clients would pay.
I have not so far, but someday I may have one that is nice enough to justify the expense of hiring someone to stage.
Staging for me has always been on a case by case basis. I've listed some homes that don't need a thing, some that need everything, and some that need it badly but the sellers can't afford it. I think staging works, but sometimes it just can't happen.
Who is paying the bill has more say so. I leave the design to the stager with some input if I am paying....
It depends on the price of the house, whether it is vacant and/or needs to be staged!
There is always a use for staging. A well-staged home is likely going to move faster and is likely worth the expense.
That said, certain price points in a "hot" or "seller's" market are less likely to benefit from staging. In many markets that price range right below and up to the median selling price moves so fast during a hot market that staging is likely going to pay off less (if the home is priced right and overall well-maintained). In a slower market (in general or by pricepoint, many expensive markets move slower), staging is likely to have a greater effect.
Not with all listings. Demonstrating a product so people can see its potentials at work is what staging is all about. The real live lived in look sells well. I knew of several brand new homes not selling and one day, one owner staged. I thought someone was moving in lol. The house sold after that.