I get up each morning, get dressed, put on my make-up, do my hair and go to my office on the other side of my home. I am no more casual about my appearance or my work because I work from home than from a formal office.
Melissa Jackson REALTOR
Azle, TX
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Debbie Laity
Cedaredge, CO
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Jennifer Mackay
Panama City, FL
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Liz Wallace
Rockville Centre, NY
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
We need to do what works best for us as individuals. The more corporate personality needs that structure & discipline and feels great in a formal office.
Those of us who are a little more free wheeling appreciate the convenience of no restraints.
I've heard others say they could never work from home because they are not disciplined enough and would be too easily distracted. To each their own and may we all succeed in the manner that suits us best!
Tony and Suzanne Marri...
Scottsdale, AZ
Kathleen Luiten
Princeville, HI
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Liz Wallace
Rockville Centre, NY
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I think it depends on the individual. I also think that it just becomes a habit to go to the office even if nothing is really going on.
I will say that realtors in general are dressing down & not in a good way.
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Chris Ann Cleland
Gainesville, VA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Different people are motivated to work in different surroundings. Do what works best for you.
Brenda Mayette
Glenville, NY
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Personally, I'm at an advantage working at home. I get a lot more done.
Katina Hargrove 352-55...
Eustis, FL
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, Broker, Tacoma Washington
There are advantages and disadvantages to both options so there is no right or wrong answer. What really matters is what works best for each person.
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
I think it depends on the individual as well as the office - both have their advantages and disadvantages
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
It takes more discipline to work from a home office, especially when your kids on vacation and pets are running around. If you left for office, you are done, you just there working.
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I don't think that is the differentiator as to who is more professional or who is working harder. There are some really lazy unprofessional agents goign to the office every day and drinking coffee and chewing the fat, wasting time with anyone they can get to talk with them. Working from home takes discipline and is not for everyone either.
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
What Nina Hollander said. The person who has the real advantage is the one that WORKS each day and keeps focused on what they need to do to reach their goals. Where they do that ... does not matter.
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
What works best. It is like our clients, even though I couldn't live on an acreage in the country doesn't make it wrong for those who do.
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
We are all different. Sometimes those of us who work from home tend not to be disciplined about taking breaks, or shut the door when they are done for the day!
Personally, we like working from home. We had offices for our company, and this way works best for us. By the way, we are always early. LOL A
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
and that has nothing to do with whether you work from home or an office setting.... I know lazy ones who are in the office and should have stayed home!!! I often work from home....lazy??? no....let me say it again, NO....
Lisa Von Domek
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I would disagree Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, Broker, Tacoma Washington as I believe it takes more discipline to work from a home environment. Most people find it too distracting. I, of course, love my home office and am more productive without the aggravating commute!
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
That answer can be 'both', it truly depends on the personality Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, Broker, Tacoma Washington. For me, I can easily work from home, though more is involved when going to the office, so that's not really discipline for me, it's just initially more to do. The broker that you met may always be late, not to say that's a great first impression, but it maybe his style.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
There is truth to the disciplines. How we go about that is subjective. I have found mine and work it well with results keeping score. I am never late, always available and when I give my word, it is gold.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
That depends. Home offices are great to do bulk work. Office is great to meet clients.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Some people need the "push" that may happen by going to an office everyday...We don't!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
All will likely think that their system is best, I do both and think that my formal office days are a little better. Less distractions, more of an expectation of WORK.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
Each individual is different and the brokerage culture also differs from office to office. Therefore, there is no one answer.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
I have some Agents that are hardly ever in the formal office and are very successful. I think whatever suits your personality.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Can't improve on what Susan Emo says. Do what works best for you.
Ron and Alexandra Seigel
Carpinteria, CA
I have to say a person first starting out that goes to the office has the advantage vs one who stays home.
Allie Angeloni
Oro Valley, AZ
I think it depends on the indivudual. Working in the office is no guarantee of success, but there are some advantages of having the networking and learning. But if you are not focussed being in the office could be a distraction
Both have their advantages and disadvantages. Some people need to go into an office each day. Others, like me, lived the 8-5 corporate office drone life for far too long and prefer working from home. I've known many a realtor over the last 30ish years that went into an office simply to avoid their wife and drink their cough syrup (the kind with alcohol) for their imaginary cough. I've known many an agent who never set foot in a formal office yet out produced the majority of the city's agents.
It's all about the person, not if they go into an office.
The one who consistently & effectively executes the things needed to drive them closer to the finish line.
The agent who understands what works best for her/him and develops a schedule to make it work! Some need a formal office atmosphere and some do better working from home!
Most of our agents work from home. Just me and one other agent make it to our office each day..
I was about to write my answer but Susan Emo has stated it to perfection! To each their own, whatever works for you is the best path.
Paul S. Henderson, REALTOR®, Broker, Tacoma Washington - well, the one who really 'works' has the advantage!
Depends on the agent. I work from home often. Either way my day starts the same. I get up and get ready, just as if I knew I had an appointment. Working from home I may get distracted - it's no different at the office. Both have disadvantages. For me it takes more discipline to work from home.
It doesn't matter as our time is more productive when in front of clients showing homes. Both types strive for the same opportunity.
The nice thing about our profession is we can operate our business the way we see fit. I personally like to go into our office..I love our location, my colleagues, the view and my administrative assistant..I don't want that going on in my home. To each their own!
I think it takes discipline to work at home. I can do that. Although I also like being in the office. We still get a lot of walk in traffic with our Main Street location.
There's one agent in my office who is very old school. He thinks if you aren't in the office or out showing property...you aren't working the business. He is so very wrong, but I won't argue with him. He's very set in his ways.
Working from home can seem inviting. No need to dress, no interruptions (except the daily house work), but dressing up and going to the office makes us more productive and responsible for our actions.
It really depends on the individual. I can be much more focused when working at home. There are way too many distractions at the "real" office.
I probably does take more discipline to go to the office, but does that really give you an advantage?
What Nina Hollander said.
Anybody who works from home had better forget about those infomercials that show someone working in their pajamas, or sitting by the pool with a laptop. You need to dress for business, work on a schedule, and keep your office looking like an office.
Hi Paul - I don't know about discipline or other's perceptions, but I want to keep my work at the office as much as possible (which often isn't very much) and my home as my refuge. We worked from home for a couple of months while we were waiting for our office to be done, and the real estate never stopped - it was obnoxious.
i think late doesnt matter where you work from.. i agree with office...even if its at home but a place that is only for that. it is convenient to be at home, but harder to stay motivated