Yes & no. School is starting earlier & earlier because of budget problems, etc. Most people have already decided or signed up the kids long ago.
I would say no at this late stage.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Real buyers buy.
Real sellers sell.
Be careful driving. Especially during these first days of school.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Dorie Dillard Austin TX
Austin, TX
WOW...school starts early in your part of the country.... back to school means more time for homeowners to think about listing and moving....
Peter Mohylsky,
Inlet Beach, FL
That is not fair. School is supposed to end on Memorial Day weekend, and start back up the day after Labor Day.
Peter Mohylsky,
Inlet Beach, FL
Not in my area no, primarily a 2nd home and condo market
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
I'm with Michael Jacobs ...perfect comment!
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
School begins in SC next week and in NC on August 29th. Things will quiet down a bit over the next two weeks as parents focus on getting their kids ready for school.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Peter Mohylsky - wow! That's too early for MA, I'd say.
Schools start here in MA usually in last week of August in some towns and Thursday after Labor Day in other towns.
Our local market picks up when the kids go back to school. They are getting settled and vacation and summer activities are over.
It has a small impact. Not much. I'm actually busier right now than I've been for most of the year. Although I hear other agents say things have slowed down for them.
Last time I checked, children don't sign the sales contract. To answer your question; No
We start the end of the month, but I feel like it's not as big of a factor as it used to be. This area has a good mix of families, young professionals w/o kids and retirees!
Not too much. Relatively few children in my market area attend public schools in their neighborhoods, so getting moved in and registered by the start of the year isn't a huge issue.
Real estate sales in Bend, Oregon are greatly impacted by schools. Many families moving to the area need to make their sale complete before school starts. And families leaving also typically time their sale to enable their children to complete a school year or semester.
I have kids and LASD schools start next week. Usually family with kids try to move before the start of the local schools.
Not really. If you're moving school districts, you're in before school starts. If you're moving within the same school district, you move whenever.
I am not really aware of it either ... for the same reasons. However, many schools start back at different times. I am seeing a little slow down ... not sure if that is due to school.
It tends to slow in the 2 or 3 weeks before school starts, and then the market picks up steam again after Labor Day. It's still been busy here, but I've noticed a small shift at the end of summer
For certain buyers, closings and sales are timed so that the kids are attending their new school on the first day of the school year.
Not in my area where school age children are not a big factor! In the past, very much so!
Our kids do not go back to school until the Tuesday after Labor day. Summer is just heating up, there are still some good days left
Here in NY, we start beg of Sept.
For flooring, there is a mad rush to finish floors by end of Aug/before school year, as many are away (only time to do) and many moving into new homes and need to be settled for start of school.
then, we have about 2 weeks of quiet, and then it speeds up again.
No, as Naples is primarily a vacation and/or retirement destination. We have great schools here though and more families with school age children are moving down here.
Yes, as the opening of school comes closer, sales slow down. Normally people want to be schoold driven market homes at the end of July, first of Sugust at the latest.