I had professional transients move into a empty tear down scheduled to be demolished for a major project and when I told them to leave, they produced a rental agreement with a signature of the former owner (the one we bought from) which they fabricated. It was their word against mine and this transient was good and Intelligent. However, I knew it was a lie but how to prove it? We bought it from the owner who lived there and moved out leaving it vacant for months. I called the police. Both of us appeared in the right and the cop says...take it to court. That would mean holding up this huge project with many months delay. What the police didn't know is how bad the City Council, Mayor and the school board and his fellow police wanted this project because it included a new school and would close down a ghetto area and replace it with new gated condos/school. When I explained to the cop how I would have to call the Mayor about what happened, he made some phone calls, came back, told these people to be out with a deadline or off to jail they go. I was amazed of how intricate the scam was (and told the transients so) and how power can do much good and lack of it much harm.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Pete Xavier
Pacific Palisades, CA
That is a strange, but true story. I'm sure I have a few, but too early in the day to try to remember history.
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Many years ago a male homeowner raped a male intruder who broke in. Rape is never funny, but this is the one exception.
Raj Taj
Lake Bluff, IL
I have several.
Your story involves not only bad ethics on the part of the agent, but potential criminal trespass by the Buyer.
Jack Lewitz
Evanston, IL
Wow what a story. I don't understand under what provision the seller could cancel the sale?
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Wow, that is some story. I had a listing and the buyers agent let the buyers unload their truck into the garage at the time of the final walkthru. When the out of town seller's daughter came to move the last of the furniture out the agent told her I gave them permission. Which was not true. The seller was livid! I got the blame but I had nothing to do with it.
When I was handling a lot of REOs I delivered an eviction notice to an owner. She asked me a few questions and I discovered she really knew how to work the system. She had lived in the house over 5 years without making any mortgage payments and had 6 renters paying her to stay there. Free housing for her plus over $3,000/month in income!
WOW; your story is a tough one to beat. Let me think on this one a while!
I have quite a few. From the seller who cancelled their utilities before the inspection, to the agents that forged seller signatures, to short sale agents committing bank fraud as well as other unethical and illegal actions... and the bank not caring when informed of it!
We all do.
Your seller may have been foolish to cancel the contract, why not just move up the closing.
That is a case for an ethics complaint to be filed asgainst the agent. It was clearly outside of her jurisdiction to hand over a key.
Nothing really comes to mind to compare, but I'll be back if I think of something worthy of sharing
Your story is strange. Not sure I have anything that I recall that could beat it.