Use hootsuite. search for my article about that on here. I have to run to appt so I don't have time to link it here.
Amanda Christiansen
Fort Wayne, IN
Laura Filip
Whitesboro, TX
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
2 possibilities:
- 1 is to use a congregation service that automatically puts out your content to all linked social media accounts (Hootsuite, etc have been mentioned in other's answers). The problem here is that if you have people following you across all platforms it comes across as insincere and automated - you basically end up annoying people that are seeing the same thing across 5 different platforms
- the other option (my recommendation) is to focus your time on the platforms you like more and are most comfortable with - produce good content, keep it personal, and engage. You'll have better luck focusing your time and doing it well in 2 platforms than putting out a half-hearted effort across 10 platforms.
.....if you go with option #2, you have the ability to shift your focus based on what's working/not working (aka if you're getting nothing from Twitter, you can move you effort to instagram, until you find the niche that works for you)
Inna Ivchenko
Encino, CA
Laura Filip
Whitesboro, TX
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Thank you for asking this so I could read the other answers!
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
I outsource my Social Media Marketing to an online marketing company, Social Animal Studio, owned by my daughter, Cristal Clark .....Yes, a mother's shameless plug.... But she is great. :) She has a knack for posting in "the voice" of all her clients, from Realtors to shop owners, etc, etc,... I couldn't imagine keeping up with all the social media "platforms" and linking everything up, I leave that to the social media marketing guru. I need to focus on my listings and clients.
Laura Filip
Whitesboro, TX
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Cristal Clark, E-Netwo...
Carmel, CA
Delegate some of it to the kids. Stuff that takes less of a personal touch like sharing of the posts once written.
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Perhaps it is time to hire a social media consultant to assist in your online marketing.
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Lise Howe
Washington, DC
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
I like Hootsuite also, but will check out other recommended ones also.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
Laura Filip
Whitesboro, TX
I was going to say...have an assistant help you, but there are some great answers here.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
Laura Filip
Whitesboro, TX
We would suggest to you that you check your return on investment of time spent vs the results from all these platforms. Some of them may be worthwhile which others a waste of time. Each area is different. A
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Caveat: you don't want it to look "automated"... you still have to keep the personal touch, follow back, reply, like, etc.
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
The others have answered.
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski ... this is a topic I've personally wrestled with too. As social media posting (and the choosing of info/articles) is very time- consuming. But at this point, I've decided to continue doing it myself, or continue having my marketing assistant wife help me. LOs need to be so careful about what info we post, how we post it, rules, and regulations. Handing that responsibility over to someone else or a service just makes me too nervous ...
Brenda J. Andrew
Beach, TX
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
Check Hootsuite. You might still have to do some yourself.
Laura Filip
Whitesboro, TX
Katerina Gasset
Provo, UT
Send me a pm and I will share - my competition is all of a sudden following everything I do here
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski - difficult to answer this one.....!
There are some third party subscriptions for that.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
I second what Rose Clark said, outsourcing is a great option especially for busy Realtors. Otherwise, I recommend a service like IFTTT.com - You can link all your accounts up to one another so that they post "natively" as that platform - For example, if you post on Facebook, it will post automatically to Twitter BUT not as a FB link, (like how it normally does if you "link" them up), this will post as thought you took the time to post on Twitter itself... If that makes sense. You can do this with Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. If you have any other questions feel free to Follow Me or direct message me :) - Cristal Clark, E-Networking Specialist
Laura Filip
Whitesboro, TX
Hootsuite but it could repetitious.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
Hootsuite is what I have used in the past. I like the dashboard. Now i do most of my social media personally. Instagram allows you to share and facebook has a scheduler. Will be back to read more answers.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
Great question - I enjoyed reading the answers
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
I use Hootsuite to manage it all. Very simple to learn and use. Very powerful.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
No help to offer here. I don't advertise that way on social media platforms.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
If you want to use your own content and be unique then I would pick a few networks that are working for you and concentrate on them. Visit the others from time to time.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
Hootsuite will post to several at once and gives you a dashboard to see what activity is happening on them. Buffer also has a similar service.
Anita Clark
Warner Robins, GA
Nice array of SM - good question.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Woodbridge, VA
Yes did a post recently on how I save time with Hootsuite & with Friends+Me. If you post on your G+ profile page then you must use F+Me.
I've been using them for 6 months - love.
Here's my G+ - I publish whatever comes to mind or is interesting about homes or real estate. I do not buy content just share links. Do use AR posts.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
If you hire a SM assitant make sure it still keeps the personal touch and is relaviant to the market you are serving. Though Hootsuite is popular, my understanding is it doesn't really help keep your post popular on facebook. Compare the like rate of auto generated content vs your own post. You also want to be careful other agents in your area who are using a SM company that isn't posting the same material.
Drives me crazy when I see various agents post come across at the same time and they are all the same content. The reader can tell it is not from you rather a system.
Fred Griffin Florida R...
Tallahassee, FL
I have a very part time assistant that takes the cont I send and blogs it everywhere, sends to my e-mail list updates my sites and posts all my listings-It keeps it personal and takes it off my plate, he works 3 hours a week and gets it all done!
I use https://hootsuite.com/ and https://meetedgar.com/ Hootsuite is inexpensive and has good analytics. Meet Edgar has a scheduling tool that is easy to use and put your posts on auto pilot when you are busy.
There are a few products/services you could use to manage them all - or you can hire a social media person to manage them
Depends on your budget, time and comfort level with products or services
I dont like any service out there because you can tell it was posted on multiple platforms and it no longer has that personal touch which gives you the most credibility
Several have directed you to Hootsuite, but my concern is that the posts each should be slightly altered to get the best SEO juice, IMHO.
Great question Chrissi. Doing yourself for local content and control is the cheapest. Hiring your assistant to do it is best. I hired a social media company to handle my posts - that didn't work out. They can't write local real estate stuff content. What they do is re-post magazine and web posts. They do it for you and everyone else on their list - no personalized content.
Hootsuite may be a solution that we'll look into.
Chrissi Chapman Topoleski
Not sure if you notice I only see a couple most recent blogs under my name Google.
(your name+realtor). In fact I saw just 1 blog from AR by you. But you seem to have a lot more other sites which are not from what you mentioned above. Perhaps you old listings?