I would hang with it for a little while and then you have to make the decision on if it is worth it or not.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Let it go.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Pete Xavier
Pacific Palisades, CA
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz This is a listing destined to expire. Walk!
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
If they've had showings ask they why 'xx' people didn't put in an offer?
If you've had zero showings ask them why no one wants to see the house as others have plenty of activity?
Finding that 'one idiot' that will buy an overpriced house has smaller odds with winning the lotto.
In other words, the buyers are saying NO to your price.
Richard Weeks
Dallas, TX
I furnish a new set of comps and then invite them to actually see some comps.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
If that is really what is holding up the sale, I "fire" those clients.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Don't spend your marketing money on this property.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I just let one expire. I don't like to throw advertising and other effort into it, and then it looks like it's my fault for not doing enough to sell it.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
if they won't agree after a cma it's you're fired
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I would keep them informed about the facts of the market and what IS selling. But at some point it will be time to part ways since I cannot help them
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I show them the difference between showing and time on market Robert Vegas Bob Swetz
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
The problem is not always the price, sometimes it is the presentation. How does it look and feel for the price assigned?
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I explained that they are selling other listings because those listings look better than ours - and why would someone buy chopped meat at the same price as tenderloin in the market - Would they? That actually got a seller to come off their price big time
I'm with Ken Jones on this one. If the seller won't listen to reason, supported by facts and the reviews of buyers, first I would evaluate how overpriced it is. If the market will catch up to it within my listing term, I'll likely hold on to the listing and wait for the market to catch up. If it's too far overpriced or the market is declining, then I'd "DTS" (Drop That Seller).
Start singing the Goodbye song. It is a colossal waste of your time, when they will not budge of the price. A
I tell them straight that it isn't going to sell anytime soon and I have done all I can do. They may need to consider renting.
Climb to the top of the highest mountain and yell to the top of your lungs.........N E X T!
The choices are either let it expire, or cancel the listing. I have done both, depending upon the listing.
Sounds like they are not motivated enough to make a deal happen. Cut 'em loose and stop wasting your time.
Is it the price? Or does the place smell like kitty litter and an all-night poker game? Or can you show it on the third Wednesday of every month when the moon is full? You need get your seller to address all of the issues - or dump the listing.
It needs to be addressed sooner than later(best at the listing/signing appointment). Different areas and different sub-categories within a market will have different expectations.
Then ask yourself the question: What bother trying to sell it? That's a waste of time and resources and puts no money in the business. Fire the client, and move on to profitable accounts.
Battle of the wills with one holding the gold and ruling? Customer serve!
you have two options:
cut them loose... or wait it out until the market catches up to the price....
Honestly, I usually just tell them they need to find a new agent; I usually phrase it as "Clearly, I am not the right agent for you as I have been unable to help you understand why the house is not selling at the price you think it will, so I think perhaps you should hire another agent."
100% of the time they protest - NO! You're great, you're doing a good job, etc. etc. why would you say that?" And then we finally have a productive meeting when they realize I am willing to walk away because they will not listen to me.
This is, of course, after I have shown them comps and market stats and taken them to see their competition...when they see their competition selling, one after the other, while their house just sits, they typically have their eyes opened.
A house is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay. I show them all on line activity and ask them what do your think is wrong with this picture.
When I take a listing, part of the discussion we have is - for every ten showings we should have an offer. If we're getting lots of showings with no offers, it's overpriced.
I also explain at the beginning that the seller can want what he wants, we can use data to come up with a reasonable market value, but in the end, it's the buyer who determines the price. If they can't wrap their brain around that, then I seriously consider letting the listing expire.
Of course if you've been in business for any length of time, we all know that when the next agent takes the listing, the seller will lower the price. LOL
a variety of things, sometimes they are just not ready THAT day, so review the motivation for selling and the activity of showings and general activity, if we don't have an offer after this weekend or some fixed date in the near future, get them to sign a price reduction for that date . if not motivated and cooperative, let it go.
1. Build a price adjusment schedule into the listing agreement.
2. Don't accept overpriced listings if the owner does not agree to #1
If the seller does not call e daily asking why it is not selling I do not mind but if they call daily , I will ask to cancel the listing.
I use my favorite line.... "Do you want me to just LIST it or SELL it, because right now I'm just listing it". Gets them every time.
If I listed it at a certain price it's because comps indicated it should sell near that price. I'll look for other reasons it's not selling, and monitor comps to see if similar homes are going under contract, then try to figure out why those are selling and this on is not. Sometimes I will try to take seller to see similar listings, and visit open houses of similar listings.
Well, if you believe it is time for price reduction, send him your updated CMA. If it does not work, tour with him personally through similar houses.
Robert Vegas Bob Swetz - well, this is very simple. You just communicate regularly and keep on sending SOLD homes at much lower price.
One day..... the seller will get it!
Bob, first review their deep motivation-what's important to them in selling the home now.
Show what you've done re: marketing.
Show the data on the market and any trends (up, down, flat).
Consult with them-Ask "what else can we do to sell the home?"
Keep them updated and I share all feedback from other agents. Sometimes the home owner doesn't want to hear that! Recently had my first expired. It's a great property - just not what buyers are looking for in that location at their asking price. They are not very motivated either. Don't have to sell to move on.
Unless you want to get stress and ulcer you do not want to be a sucker. If it is in Vegas I walk away from these traps.
In MV, Cu most homes now take 1-2 months to get limited offer(s). Market in Silicon Valley has chilled a lot. I walk away with same home owners.
I tell them the three things that sell a house: price, condition and location and explain that if the condtion and location is good then the price is the only thing that will bring in an offer.