I believe I have had two in my years on AR but they did not buy my lising that I advertised. They bought another house from me that better suited their needs!
Cristal Clark, E-Netwo...
Carmel, CA
Paul S. Henderson, REA...
Tacoma, WA
The ROI on AR, IMO is an over time return - not an immediate gratification ROI
Jennifer Mackay
Panama City, FL
Yes, many. My favourite ended with writing an offer on Christmas Eve under the glow of the tree.
My Buyer had been on the West Coast and came across my blog post. Being afraid of flying, he took the train for several days and spent his time reading my entire blog. By the time he arrived, he knew me, my business and my community quite well. He became a huge source of referrals over the years too.
Blog it and they will come
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
absolutely....my first blog posts were on Sept. 30, 2009...and on that day, I received a comment from a reader!!! I was shocked....and I responded immediately....it was on an open house post for a new subdivision that I had recently put on the market...the commenter asked about some details of that community....
from that point forth, I post every one of the listings that my peeps secure and I market the hell out of every open house event....
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I had one years ago and it paid off 777.........
Richard Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Not yet, but I'm working on it! I know from reading other's responses that it will pay off!
Will Hamm
Aurora, CO
Blogging works four fold. 1. It does attract buyers to my listings. 2. It attracts more sellers after reading about the listings i sell. 3. It reminds consumers what i do and they contact me to buy or sell. 4. It attracts consumers who did not know me previous that loved my blog and hire me to list or be their buyer broker. MY ACTIVE RAIN BLOG is the best source of new clients after referrals.
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I've closed 2 deals because of blogging and working on my 3rd right now.
These are definitely blog related not referrals from AR members BTW.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Cristal Clark - a specific buyer lead from the listing post.... I do not recollect, though my listing posts do show up on Google Page#1 after posting it...
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Welcome Crystal, I join Tammy Lankford, in encouraging you to strut your "newbie" status here. You've asked several great questions and are obviously going for professionalism, something most members of AR respect and value highly.
Yes I've had leads and sales from blogging here.
I have read many agent stories about their leads from blogging and listing their properties on Active Rain.
Received an email last week - Lead from AR. We connected and I showed them the property. This listing didn't work for them but we will work together to find one soon.
Yes, it is costing me a very small monthly fee to use this advertising platform.
Not to mention all the ideas and lessons shared here, One closed deal & I would say this is a great ROI.
Yes and it happens every week. I track the subject matter and know when it comes from AR or another source.
Yes. They bought something, though not the house I blogged about. And many of the people I work with started off reading my posts on ActiveRain. It's a good place to prospect for business.
Actually my neighborhood market reports bring me more leads than me posting my listings.
So far zero, but I've only been on for about 1.5 years and blogging for about a year. Still a newbie in the grand scale of blogging.
Yes Cristal and the more you post, listings and/or blogs about your community - the more you will see results. Good luck!
Yes, though never sold anything from AR, but have signed up appraisals from AR contacts.
Well if you expect a return of a buyer for one post of listing I think you'd be disappointed. But post consistantly for 12 months and things start to happen. I've been here since 2008 and I lost count of the number of leads who turned into buyers from here. It's multiple times a month at this point
I gave an AR a lead from my seller.
Now and then I receive a lead.
Yes. I have received many buyer leads from my Realbird listings. And, as Endre Barath, Jr. mentions ... the connections with other members here are priceless.
Yes but it's not a one shot deal and there are lots of "leads" that never turn into a sale. Yesterday, I received an email asking me about the landscaping contract for a condominum complex. It's a numbers game like any lead generating activity.
Well, if you did things right you should go back & look to see where your post placed on G. I do mine with the address & 10 mins later I'm up there with Z & T.
If anyone is driving around & pops in the address, you'll be there & a little easier to look at than Z & T.
You say the word ROI, your time is your cost. If you learn a little bit about SEO, you should be doing great just like I said. Then take that AR post & put it on G+ & you will do better. Take that AR post again & put it on FB.
No ma'am but my posts are not designed to have possible clients call me
Not from a listing post, as far as I know, but definitely from other posts