get on another team!!! or learn to market yourself and run with the pack.... if you know how to market, you won't need to be on a team unless the team leader is marketing you and keeping your listing shelves stocked!!!
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
You need to do your own marketing and lead generation - there is noting wrong with you briniging in your own leads.
We all have to give a little to get in this business
Jessie Cochran
Panama City, FL
Lead generation (we called it prospecting) is the single most important part of your job. Don't depend on your team leader to feed you or you will fail.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Ultimately you are responsible for yourself, so start marketing. I think the whole team should be marketing, not just a leader.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
I'd check your agreement. Why would you not want to be in charge of your own destiny and market yourself?
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Part of being a TEAM is doing what is needed to make the team strong.
Only EMPLOYEES stand around and wait for someone else to give them something to do.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
You should check your agreement.
Anthony Acosta - ALLAT...
Atlanta, GA
Check your agreement with the team. If allowed and you get leads, you may have to share them with the team unless of course this is your intention.
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
What's in your contract? I would for myself but I bet you are going to find out it's tougher than it seems.
Z will always sell you their extra leads & then you'll be broke too.
Yes. You need to be responsible for your own success even while you contribute to the team.
If you can market your individual service, why not? Talk to your team leader first, though.
In fact, the main job for team leader is to 'feed' leads to team members - if you are sharing a part of your compensation with the team leader....
Read your agreement then discuss with the team leader before proceeding.
Teams are consituted in different ways so hard to answer but if you are felling left out, go out on your own.
Do your own thing and stop paying the team leader, if they're getting a cut of your commission.
It depends upon the particular team, legal agreements and other factors.
Talk to the team leader about the lack of leads. If he or she doesn't have a plan to change the situation, consider finding a new team or going it on your own.
If you mean self promotion that may be contrary to your team agreement. If you are dissatisfied then it may be time to explore other options.
I would talk to your team leader about this and see what it means for you to bring in your own leads. If you are paying for the ads yourself, it would be a punch in the gut to find out that you still have to share whatever comes in with them. At that point, see if you can get them to reimburse whatever percent they are taking from you.
you probably want to review your team agreement. If its allowed it would be good to slowly build your own brand for the future.
Check your agreement, sit down with the team leader and tell him/her your concerns and what your plan is and how it will benefit you and the team.
If a team leader you belong to is not providing useful leads, I will consider strike on my own. If you have not signed a contract don't walk, run....