Gives people something fun to do on the way home from church.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
After Church, when everyone is all dressed up, they don't want to go back home, so Open Houses were invented, so they have someplace to go.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
I'm with Barbara Todaro on this one. "Sunday after noons are free for selecting whatever one wants to do rather than needs to do...."
Barbara Todaro
Franklin, MA
When I was a kid, our family always went for a Sunday afternoon drive. Perhaps it is a carry-over from the good old days?
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
because Saturdays are usually devoted to family activities such as sports for kids and/or chores that need to be done....grocery shopping, etc.....
Sunday after noons are free for selecting whatever one wants to do rather than needs to do....
Pete Xavier
Pacific Palisades, CA
A tradition going back a long way. In my area, most are held on Saturday and/or Sunday with a few during the week.
More people have time off on Sunday's and are likely to do more leisurely activities.
Saturdays seem to be really busy in this area. Sports games and lessons are more likely on Saturdays than Sundays. Sundays are more relaxing than Saturday to me, as you have had a day off work to refresh (of course, not all of us!)
It's a weekend ... many are off work ... lazy days and Sundays ... you know
My guess is because most people have Sunday off and can take the time to go to open houses.
Public open houses, usually 2-5 pm. I have one tomorrow in West Hills. Come over:) ( see my blog for details).
I assume because after church you don't have anything else to do? Sports teams are usually on Saturday.
By Sunday, folks are bored with staying home and many when leaviung church are looking for reasons not to go back to their homes. Visiting Open House Events are a sound alternative.
Today, it is the most likely time BOTH decisions makers can act in unison.
Depending on the location of the real estate, alternative days could prove successful.
Regarding your 'WHY" Hmmm,
I guess NAR decided those under their umbrella would enjoy neglecting their family on yet another day. "So work free on Sunday" (agents will do anything) proved true. Just guessing.
The government did away with blue laws to gain more money from the fee's!
Maybe it was originally an after church thing. Not sure. I know many markets have Open Houses just about any or every day of the week. Depends on the demographics.
That is not the case here in Minot ND Coal Infantino , in fact I have an open house this afternoon (Saturday). During the school year it is split between Saturday and Sunday and when school is not in session our open houses are on Thursdays.