my first computer was a MacPlus.
It had 512K in RAM, two 400K floppy drives, a gigantic 10MB (that's right mega-byte) hard-drive which the salesman told me I'd never be able to fill up, a 200dpi black and white scanner (line art only, no photos), and a 300dpi black and white LaserWriter NTX Printer that printed 4 pages per minute.
At a cost of over $10,000.
Today, I have more memory than all of that... in my watch.
Mimi Foster
Colorado Springs, CO
Elyse Berman, PA
Boca Raton, FL
Michael J. Perry
Lancaster, PA
All I remember is how big & strange it was. I used it to play games at first
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Too long ago to remember but I remember in the 70s, writing programs in Fortran and Cobol and punching cards. We've come a long way!
Elyse Berman, PA
Boca Raton, FL
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I remember it being an old commodore and was not cheap!
The contest was keeping all the floppy disc in order.
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
It cost a fortune! I think it was an OS/2 running on DOS. Does that sound right?
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I honestly don't remember the brand, but it was a desk top for my daughter who was 5 at the time. (I had one at work already) and the cost was upwards of $3500. Nearly a quarter of a century ago.
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
First computer was an Atari, then Commidore 64, then the 128. FIrst business computer was a 386 and I got the bigger hard drive with a huge storage of 100 MG. The salesman said I would never fill it up. IT also had 5.25 floppy and the "new" 3.25 disk drive. And it had DOS. We've come a long way.
Tammy Lankford,
Eatonton, GA
First computer, a handheld calculator in the late 70's
First PC was a Sanyo IBM clone in 1984, $500 used, about what I pay for a good laptop now.
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
I paid too much and I think it was an HP. I do recall the thing was huge!
Mary Yonkers
Erie, PA
It was a Dell laptop---cost around $2,000.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
IBM. Too long ago to remember the prices.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I can't recall the brand but it was certainly more expensive and less powerful than the last.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
A dual floppy for $1,500. But I made money with it writing Lotus 1-2-3 programs for companies.
Good morning Michael. It was a Contel computer, 64K of memory. It was really a big deal.
Gateway desktop, late 1990's. All the bells and whistles (of that time).
Michael J. Perry - oh that was a 32MB machine - desktop with green type mono monitors - and was in India - cost about $1,200 equivalent then.
Back in the late 70's-early 80's or so, we had a Xerox computer. They wanted to compete with IBM so offered them to the employees via payroll deduction. It was so long ago I don't remember the cost but it did include a dot matrix printer.
It was back in 1999 and it cost something like $1000, and it wasn't nearly the machine I can get now for much less than that price.
They was a huge tower and little screen and slow, slow, slow. It was so long ago but I believe they were 40 mhz. It took 5 minute to fire up. I wouldn't have the patience for that today. They were used and took them in as payment on a debt.
I do not remember. It was big, heavy, and cost more than I wanted to pay.
I actually don't remember the first computer, but I worked for Motorola when VCR's came out, and I got an employee discount and was so excited to get one for my kids for $2,700
It was a Tandy TX. I don't remember the cost, but I was told I would never have to get another one because of the huge memory. HaHaHaHaHa!!!
A Wang for my retial business in 1986. It cost $14,000, had a 5 inch green monitor and required a programmer.
It was a clone, paid almost $1000, had 2 big floppy dirsk and a 30 meg hard drive.
The first one I got was for Christmas when I was 12. It was a 386sx 16mhz WITH the math coprossesor and a "Turbo" button!!! Ran DOS 3 and Windows 3.11 for Workgroups. Man, I wish I still had that computer!
My next one was one I built, a Pentium Pro in the 2000s. No idea of the cost any more, since I did everything individually and found good deals on NewEgg and some local PC stores (we used to have two that sold parts).
After that, I bought a netbook then a laptop and inherited a bunch of older systems from my parents and various projects. Used to have quite the lab setup. :)
4341 running DOS/VSE-virtual memory lease for $3,000/month. All PC earlier development was simulated there. But the PC did not have an operating system as those DOC/VSE could not be supported by a its limited ram. There was no internal os supplier as big blue only encourage monster. Then Bill Gates came along as a OS vendor the rest is history....
In the '80s and we had to have a programmer come in. There was no software. Cost a bundle! In those days, the computers needed a space like a closet and special ventilation.
It was an Apple MacIntosh with a color laser printer, purchased in 2002
Had a Commodore 64, mostly for the kids to play games on. First "real" computer was a custom built 286, standard hard drive at the time was 40MB, upgraded to a whopping 80MB and additional memoryalso, which was very expensive at the time, paid about $2,500 for everything. Then decided to build my own for the next several. About time for me to get a new laptop, sigh :(
We had an apple 2C. I was pretty young and my mom bought, so I don't know the price. We were one of the first to get one as my mom taught computer programming at a local university.
I know it was before War games came out (in 1983) as we were more energized to find the hidden programs (which we did).
We bought one years ago (I was still married) it was so expensive that my ex husband's employer offered loans if you got one. It was also huge.
A Tandy 386 in 1991. 1200 bucks. My husband INSISTED. Being the practical Capricorn, I shrieked. "How do you make money with THAT?"
It was a Dell PC, I felt so "with it" getting that thing set up. It was probably $1000.00 or $1200.00
Gosh... It was back in 1985... a PC of some kind. I'm guessing about $2000. Then I spent another $2500 for some custom software to run my entire brokerage business, with only 20 MegaBytes of storage. Crazy how times have changed.
I loved my PCjr! It cost $2500, upgraded from 256K to 640K. Who would need more than that? LOL it lasted me almost 10 years.
Fisrst I ever used was in 1985 the Radio Shack TRS-80, fist I ever bought was the 1987 Macintosh SE and it was $3,000 and my first student loan (from Mom).
My dad bought us a computer and showed us how the stick figure could dance on the screen. I am talking about the first computers ever built. Large one that sat on the desk and took up quite a bit of space.
Boy, that was along time ago lol. It was windows HP desktop setup. I can't even remember remotely what the price was but it was 'screaming' for the time.
Think about how different things are now - your phone is 100x more powerful & quicker than that was.
my first computer was a toshiba laptop and it cost alot....if I remember correctly, almost $2,000....
That's so long ago, I don't remember! It was in the early nineties, but I think it still cost me under $500. I couldn't afford anything more expensive.
Michael J. Perry The first real computer I purchased was a Commodore 64. I don't remember what it cost. I went big time when I upgraded to an IBM AT 286.
Apple, floppy disk. I loved that thing and helped me get my degrees and gave me a love of technology.