I say thank you very much, please send over a formal, written Offer to Purchase & Conract so I can present something to my sellers.
Elena Roud
Honolulu, HI
Amanda Christiansen
Fort Wayne, IN
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Dianne Goode
Raleigh, NC
Bob Betel
Sweetwater, TN
Susan Laxson CRS
La Quinta, CA
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
There is no 'allure'. The agents are lazy & are getting their time wasted by a buyer that wants to throw out #'s off the cuff.
I always start the conversation with 'that's nice .....'.
Had a buyer email me from my website & made an 'email' offer on my listing 45K below list price. With the little notation that if I had the sellers take the offer I could represent both sides. How nice! Sent the email to the seller so they could see what we have to deal with. Of course, they rejected that opportunity!
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
Put it in writing! There is more to an offer than price!
Gene Mundt, IL/WI Mort...
New Lenox, IL
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
James Dray
Bentonville, AR
I choose NOT to support their business model.
Gene Mundt, IL/WI Mort...
New Lenox, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
Put it in writing then I'll react
Gene Mundt, IL/WI Mort...
New Lenox, IL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
I don't do Anything until it is in writing.
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I think it is a nice starting point and one simple step in a complicated dance!
I do point out to both the Buyer Agent and the Seller that if we receive a written offer from someone else, their verbal is toast!
Gene Mundt, IL/WI Mort...
New Lenox, IL
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
I present all offers including verbal offers to sellers which is what we are required to do unless I have written instructions from the sellers telling me not to bring them verbal offers. I have had more than one contract go to settlement that started with a verbal offer.
Susan Emo
Kingston, ON
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
I discuss the process for offers with my new sellers, when at the listing appointment. So far, they've always indicated they want the offers in writing. So if I were to get a verbal offer, I'd tell the agent, "Thank you very much; my sellers will only consider written offers. As soon as you send over in writing, I'd be happy to share."
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
"hey that's great! put it writning."
Gene Mundt, IL/WI Mort...
New Lenox, IL
I tell them to put it in writing accompanied by a check and a pre-approval letter....
Gene Mundt, IL/WI Mort...
New Lenox, IL
The clients who insist on my offering verbally (2) are told nothing in real estate is binding unless in writing, and that the agent will ask for me to write an offer, which is what always happens. I received one, and while waiting for the agent to put it together a full price offer came in and my client accepted it.
Bob Betel
Sweetwater, TN
I used to present them and negotiate them with my sellers but the written version wa never the same as the verbal was, so i don't present them anymore.
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
If it has merit , I tell them to put it in writing .
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
Eric, I would accept or even give them the time of day.
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
We are to present all offers, verbal or written. Only the written can be approved.
I am affirming but encourage them to put it in writing. It is easier for a seller to say yes to a written offer than a verbal offer.
Thank you, when will you have the written offer to me (along with the pre-approval letter or POF)?
Eric Kodner - I let the buyer's agent know that my seller client would need something to prove that you have the offer from your client.
I'd appreciate if you can send it in writing - even on a piece of toilet paper...lol!
I tell them when they get it in writing and signed by the buyers then I will meet with my sellers and get a response. I do not present verbal offers because they don't mean anything.
Sounds good. I look forward to presenting it to the seller once I receive the written offer.
With appreciation, but i would not do anything about it till I get something in writing.
My listing agreement states that we will only consider written offers. And, that's what I tell those who give me verbal offers.
Veral offers work. They help instead of writing several counter offers back and forth so you and the client can save a lot of time. Every situation is different. Put most of your offers in writing to begin with but there is a chance you will be able to put a transaction together by using a verbal offer in some cases.
I've had "introductory" type of questions asked especially on difficult to sell properties by agents. But verbal offers? I've listened to them in the past (usually low ball offers) and passed them on to my client, but interestingly, these agents can't get their clients to make a written offer. If a consumer calls me? Hey, I listen to people. Sometimes THEY become my client for something else.
I tell them that verbal offers are worth the paper they're written on. If it isn't in writing, it won't be presented.
Send me a 1 page LOI which you can email, outline the basic terms and put a buyer name on it. I am weary of jacking up my sellers with non-offers, but need to get everything to them and it isn't too much trouble to send an email, Your Highness, is it? 3:)
Looks like a consensus: I won't negotiate an offer that's not in writing.
I tell them I will pass it along but the seller will only respond to written offers. Since we are required to present all offers.
with, "well get me that in writting and I'll take it to my client". I don't legally have to present unenforceable offers and in my state that's what a verbal offer is.
They're just fishing an offer they're pretty sure not with the time to write up. I've done verbal fishing with counters,never with initial offers.
They don't want to go to the trouble of writing it up! And perhaps they already know it won't fly
I don't. If they leave a message on voicemail they receive an email reminding them to follow the Seller's Written Instructions which are clearly posted in a Private REALTOR Document in the Listing!!
Eric Kodner I don't! Talk is cheap. Put it in writing and I will present it.
I don't get it...why would any buyer agent do that? I would not bother presenting a verbal, and never have.
If I were a listing agent my first thought would be that the agent is inexperienced and wasting time with a half assed buyer.
Serious buyers don't do verbals...
Yes, I thank them for their interest and then ask them to put it in writing, so I can present it to my sellers. Too many times agents have gotten their sellers involved only to find out that the offer wasn't firm and the buyers were just testing the waters.
A verbal offer is no offer, and is not worth the paper it is not written on. Unless the Seller can see ALL the terms in a written offer, there there is nothing to accept, and even IF they did, could change their mind and not sign if presented in writing with the previously agreed verbal terms.
They are not tied to it! If it's verbal and not in writing then it would be harder to enforce. If it is an agent I know and trust and think the offer may work out, then I ask them to go ahead and write it up. If it is so ridiculous that there is no chance it would work out, then I just let them know they would have to come up on the price. If the buyer is serious, they will put it in writing. If I am on the other end and have a buyer asking to put in a low offer, I will contact the agent and let the agent know that I did not want to waste anyone's time and didn't want to insult the seller. Then I ask the agent if they think I should go ahead and write up.
It depends on what the discussion is with the seller. I ask: How would you respond to a verbal offer? I talk about offer strategy upfront so he/she/they understand there's more than price and it's best when it's in writing. I then relay that to the selling agent.
I don't understand the allure personally. Laziness? Efficiency? Testing? It seems fraught with more negatives than anything positive.
They are typically fishing and not really serious, so I tell them my seller will only consider written offers (which they all do, after we have had a discussion about these so-called verbal offers), and give them my email address. That's usually the last we hear. No loss - the figures they typically float are never workable, anyway. Just a waste of everyone's time, but it's part of the game.
If it's a verbal it's usually not worth the time and effort to draw it up.
On an owner occupied home, put it in writing. On my numerous bank owned homes, certain agents do call and give a verbal, if it is in the ball park, out it in writing, but most often dont want to waste time with a low ball.