Got it. Love it. I hated those damn fobs. It gets to 125 here in summer, just imagine how that hoses plastic things. And batteries.
OH! And hopefully you have the new blue BT boxes . . . those are the bomb. You activate them by pushing up on the bottom, and the shackles come COMPLETELY off, rather than swivel. SO much easier to hang on doors and gates.
Sam Shueh
San Jose, CA
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
We have always had Supra and a few years ago went with the eKey. I love it...so glad to be rid of that fob! And love the BT lockboxes as Candice A. Donofrio mentioned.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
We have used GE Supra eKey in Tallahassee, also when I was with Sarasota Associaton. It worked on my Blackberry, it works on my Android. It is an excellent system!
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Sam we had it quite awhile back on the phone and it didn't work on and off and apparently it still does that from time to time to this day. That makes it hard to show houses. I decided to get an ekey and get rid of the phone access (albeit it was easier). Haven't had any problems since I retured to the old fashioned way.
Sam Shueh
San Jose, CA
Sam Shueh we have eKey on our smart phones for a while now. I still use the old electronic eKey.
We used to have an ekey. We use out smart phones with the Supra now. I love it.
We have cards that look like credit cards for our Williamsburg lockboxes and apps for smart phones for the Virginia Peninsula Association of REALTORS.
No...we haven't gone electronic at all. We are still twisting the dial and lining up numbers or letters.
We have a choice of using the e-key app or the old fashioned Supra key.
I've been using the eKey for a while now on my phone. It's tempermental at best. Update it before you leave your home, the auto update feature is about as trustworthy as a bank run by a bank robber.
Not yet. Still Sentrilocks in NSDCAR(San Diego) and Supra in SMBR(Sarasota)
We have had it for a while now. We have to pay the monthly fee though in Corpus Christi TX
We have an app to use with out Sentrilock boxes and can also use the electronic key cards
We are with Sentrilock and I use the app so do not have to have my card with me or it updated. It gives instant notifications to the listing agent on the showings. I always have my phone with me.
WE have had it for a number of years now and when the price dropped a few years ago I have it. Except for freexing temperature days it is easier.
We've been with Sentrilock for a long time & it's been years when we started using our phones if we want to.