I've done it the way Gabe Sanders indicated. I can't think of a reason it would make a difference if you are creating for real estate or something else.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
Gabe Sanders
Stuart, FL
Hi Gene - any video editor should allow you to do that by inserting stills rather than video, and a recorded audio track.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
I was going to say Animoto until I read last line.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Windows movie maker for the PC or iMovie for the MAC.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
Kathleen Daniels, Prob...
San Jose, CA
Thanks all. For Real Estate I normally use Real Bird and I did not think that would work for this project.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
I use movie maker and I am very happy with the results. It has a short learning curve but mainly about organization.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
I have done many with Movie Maker, and have done the voice over.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
I will be monitoring the answers here Gene.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
animoto.com But you are turning them into a slide show, NOT video.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
Windows Moviemaker (PC) and iMovie (Mac) are both free programs and you can use anyway you want with voicing.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA