Susan Haughton ...if they will allow it, I will do it or work around it but not until they heard from me on the subject in detail and what it means to them
Diana Zaccaro Broker A...
Cocoa Beach, FL
Debb Janes
Camas, WA
Richie Alan Naggar
Riverside, CA
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Susan, I refuse to list these types of properties let alone take pictures.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
I believe my job is to teach Buyers how to look past things that don't stay with the home and look strictly at the bones of the place and nothing else. Dirt is temporary
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
I move the furniture myself for the photos, but return it the way the owner wants it. More times than not, they like the changes and keep them.
Debb Janes
Camas, WA
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
House cleaning is not the responsibility of the listing agent.
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Michael Setunsky
Woodbridge, VA
We have moved furnitue and will clear cluttered countertops and sinks for photos. Then, we return everything to how it was. But, we tell the homeowner it will not sell if it is left like that during showings...
Abby Stiller
Cape Coral, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
I have moved things around for pictures. I explain that they are leaving money on the table.
Debb Janes
Camas, WA
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Lyn Sims
Schaumburg, IL
I would certainly try to tighten up the presentation myself a little bit. Some of the stuff we see where nobody's made any effort whatsoever is pretty awful. I hope you gals can find something nice for them to buy.
Candice A. Donofrio
Fort Mohave, AZ
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
I like Susan Emo answer, I can overlook all that when looking at a home. I know bones, and like her I can show bones. Now for your client, their refusal to do that may mean as you no doubt told them leaving $$$ on the table. A
Debb Janes
Camas, WA
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Debbie and I have actually moved things ourselves to get a decent shot.
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
What is clean to you or your client may not be the same as a potential client. It's all in perception
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Anna Hatridge
Farmington, MO
Hi Susan I've cleaned and moved myself especially when property is tenant occupied.
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
What can help? Forcing them to watch staging videos?
I bet what would really help is if they could truly hear what the buyers think. It might embarrass them into doing it.
I have straightened up for pictures & have been mad as hell about it. I've noticed that when I put things away or in a certain position, they stay there. (Like Lyn knows best).
Maybe they are just struck by fear of what to do? Overwhelmed on what needs to be done?
I will not be Annette Benning in that movie!
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
I can not make it more important to me than it is to the client.
I will do what is reasonable to get a good shot. At the very least, roll up my sleeves to get 'the' money shot.
HOWEVER, the seller may have things going on in their life that prevents them from doing what they truly want to do, (meaning it IS important to them) and I will go the extra mile and give my cloak also. Very often a sale is caused by declining health. For these souls I will do what ever is needed.
I will not get trapped onto being house keeper or cleaning agent for the seller who is oblivious to the situation.
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
Sometimes I will photograph it and then share the photos with the seller and ask which ones they think will bring the most buyers. Sometimes just moving a trash can for the photo will inspire the seller. If they just like it the way it is, then I just post what it is the way it is. After all, this is what buyers will see when they get there.
Susan Haughton
Alexandria, VA
I always show a seller what their competition is, and if they want the top dollar, they need to have it pristine or price it accordingly!
Good morning Susan. I would never walk away from a listing and would work around any issues, as long as the price is correct. I would certainly let any prospective buyers or selling agents know in advance.
My assistant and I frequently rearrange and tidy a listing before photoshooting. Some people think they are clean and ready and are not close.
I have never had a client not have their home ready for photos - they are always excited to see it after they finish following the staging report that I provided them...which includes the before photos. As they say, "a picture is worth a thousand words"!
I have cleaned and picked up things lying around the home so that we can get the best picture shot. I educated the sellers but some just don't get it. It is my job to represent them to the finest. If the home has deferred maintenance I will skip pictures all together and just take the exterior if that shows well.
Sometimes you just have to take the photos if you can't get a seller to cooperate or understand.
Is this a listing that is worth your time? If so then photograph it and put it out there. Price cures all failures
Many times I have done best and then I will also have an agent frined tour it and write the issues...that helps
Sometimes you have to ask yourself if it is worth it to have this client.
If they cannot clean up for photo day, will they clean up for showings?
Susan Haughton I have moved items before in order to take pictures, specially in the kitchen and baths.
I walk a house with my client several hours before photography. If it's not right, I cancel the photo session. At some point you really need to determine if that is a truly motivated seller. At the very least, if condition is not prime, asking price needs to be adjusted for that. At some point, I can't be caring more about the sale than my client.
I've moved items and did the best I could with some folks. I've also given back the listing in one occasion.
another reason I was thankful that new construction was my niche!!!! I gave the resales to others....
I have often moved items. Sometimes I take selective photos of the house.
I have a stager come in and we give the sellers a to-do list. I would reconsider the listing, if the seller wasn't willing to stage the house and keep it in good order. That said, I have often moved stuff around to get the best photo, and then moved it back.
Many times are the clients want to watch me take pictures, so I will direct them to move trash cans, toilet brushes, dirty towels, clothes, toiletries, coffee makers, etc for the shot and they are more than happy to do so. If it's just me, I will do it, but put everything back where I found it.
If the seller is home I get permission to move things. If not, I move things. I've moved piles of laundry on top of the bed ... and all sorts of things to get the photos looking the very best.
I've been known to move some clutter from room to room for a shoot. But most of my sellers are pretty obedient when it comes to the prep work.
If no cooperation from the seller in proper listing preparation, then we will not list the home as it may not sell immediately and that results in us spending more of our marketing dollars.
I move stuff around all the time; do not take photo's of what doesn't "measure up".
We are listing a home filled with stuff - it's not dirty but cluttered. The elderly sellers are doing their best. We will be helping move items out of the way, temporarily for photos - I will also make a note in the agent remarks. Fortunately, the views are so stunning - the house takes a subservient role.
If allowed I have moved a few things. I have been fortunate with listings but I have seen a few that make me cringe. I talk with buyers about looking beyond what does not stay with the house. The deferred maintenance is another matter!