in todays world, people are substituting human interaction for the MACHINES. it will swing back. someday we will see a time capsule showing people shaking hands and having a meal together while listening and talking
Andrzej Niemyjski
Sun City West, AZ
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
Can be even worse when the driver is busy texting.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
This is that bad part about technology Michael. The negative side to the biggest innovation in our generation.
Michael Thacker - Re/M...
Louisville, KY
I remember waiting to get back home before calling someone on the phone. (That was before cell phones). We lived through it! Now, all we see is cell phones in hand while walking, driving, riding bicycles, shopping and yes, even while working. (whether it is related or not). They are accidents waiting to happen! So how important is it? People are getting killed because of it.
Curtis Evans
Golden Meadow, LA
No! We are so addicted to our phones we don't realize what we are missing out on, or if we are stepping into a bad situation!
It's the number of people I see texting or looking at their phones while driving that is scary.
NO - Ga. passed a law that it is unlawful to text while driving and you have to use a wireless device to speak on your phone while driving. Today I saw a women texting as she entered the interstate & driving 40 miles. A man was driving and had his phone to his ear driving at 45 miles in a 70 mile zone. These people are going to get in to a wreck or cause a wreck.
Unfortunately yes! We thought technology was going to make life easier but it just put us all on the treadmill. We can't put down that phone or we lose out.
Well, I've asked that question at least 100,000 times! I see people on the phone at 4am in the gym.... what in heaven's name is so important at 4am besides your workout?
Michael Thornton Texts and emails are not worth risking a person's life.
that's an accident waiting to happen....and the poor unsuspecting driver will be the one who suffers for that error....
If you think the email or text is worth dying for, then go head and do it !! Good common sense tells us otherwise.
It's call "awareness." We owe it to ourselves to be aware of our surroundings at ALL times. Personal safety can easily be threatened when not paying attention. A U.S. Department of State security specialist tells of a terrorist group who passed over a Foreign Diplomat in favor of one who was less aware. The more aware perosn had a practice of simply stepping out his door each morning, looking up and down the street for suspicious activity, and then proceeding. Sometimes, that all it takes.
Good morning Michael. It is not good when stuff like this happens, even worse when they are texting and driving.
Make it a great week!
I do not think so. It is just an addiction, no more. I sometimes see the screens of those ''too busy'' with their phones, most of the time i see games or social networks.
Michael - It is so true. People just expect others to stop for them these days. They really have no respect for others, and just expect others to stop, even though they may have a green light.
Michael, your mother taught you right! And what these people don't get is that as they step off the curb while texting, there could be a Realtor driving into the intersection who is in distracted driving mode!
Yes to some they are that important and they are shutting out everything else around them. One day there will be laws against crossing and texting.
I drive to Arlington VA sometimes 1-2 times a week, and people there walk into traffic while texting, ride bikes like there are no cars on the road, ignore the red hand that says don't walk, etc. I have come close to hitting pedestrians more than once.
Ptobably not worth it; nor is putting on the make up, shaving and the plugs in the ears while driving! It will be a sure way to meet the Guy above or below!
Michael it's kind of crazy isn't it. I see people doing stupid stuff like this all the time.
I can't walk and chew bubble gum, so I am pretty sure I won't try to use my phone too much, especially texting.
We will have those trip over, runover, flatten over.....I have seen people ride their bike and email or look at their phone .....