I won't show they anything unless they are pre-approved Chris. I was burned a few times early in my career and it will not happen again.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
It sounds as though someone isn't telling the truth Chris Mamone.
Chris Mamone
Tacoma, WA
Very important! You and your buyer will be disappointed when a lower number comes in from the lender, to what they can afford. It makes it harder to motivate a buyer to make that purchase where they have been looking at a Mercedes, when they should of been looking at a Hundai. Quality, size, amenities, and neighborhoods all come with price. To know before you go also save you and your buyer time.
I feel that is a strong request to have for buyers. Nobody buys a car with out pre approved funds correct?
Very important, it sets the parameters for both buyer and agent. Guidelines are necessary to follow so no one is disappointed.
The first showing I give as a freeby. After that, they should have one or I am wasting my time being a "tour guide".
Ask questions, build relationships and don't be so concerned about wasting time. We, as Realtors, should know how to qualify clients for finances, motivation and loyalty on the spot. If we're wrong, so what, move on the the next client. I've gotten future business from people that weren't qualified. Contacts make contracts.
Pre-approval has several purposes.
For a real estate agent today, especially for agents who work alone and will be showing houses without a companion, the pre-approval is the identity, traceable security that must be in place. A quick call to the lender is crucial. UNLESS, of course, the agent wants to make the HEADLINES with their last showing.
Of course a second purpose is to not get engaged to a time-hole. How many times have we shown $350,000 houses only to find out the buyer is only able to buy $250,000. It is not until that financial review is completed that we finally understand why they were low balling everything. The agent was the chump.
However, if you look up their address and see they are equity rich, and on record as the home owner, activate you security protocol and go find them a house they love. THAT is the first step in creating a highly motivated seller.
Don't be a chump. Do something to validate the people you are allowing access to peoples homes. After all, that is the PROMISE you made to the listing agent, that only QUALIFIED buyers would enter the house.
Your fidelity to your commitments reveals much about YOURSELF.
No pre approval and or no buyer rep agreement we are not looking at houses. That is how important it is to me.
Some people have sufficient liquidity and assets to pay for the property in full without a mortgage and thus may not be willing to undergo the application process. A buyer representation agreement or buyer customer service agreement may also be considered to important rather than focussing solely on pre-approval.
Unless I know the buyers from previous experience no pre-approval no showings period.
I can't waste my time with lookers who aren't ready, willing, and able to buy. a pre-approval shows me that they are ready, willing and able.
Good morning Chris. I have heard all kinds of reasons why a pre-qualification wasn't necessary at the time, only to find out the prospective buyer wasn't qualified.
Make it a great weekend!
Chris - I may show homes once to a buyer without pre-aproval, but after that I would make sure they talk with a lender and get pre-approved.
I will start to show homes to people like that, and will interview them along the way about their situation, do they need to sell, their timing, etc, and will get a good feel from them and will move towards meeting with a lender in a day or two if they sound serious and we decide to work together.
100% important! I know most of our buyers and pretty much know their background and if they can buy or not and/or if they're paying cash. We still cover all that upfront.
Why would I want to waste my time showing homes all day for the whole weekend to someone that doesn't even know what they can afford and if they can even be approved to buy a home?
I think it is not important to have a prequalification when you first meet someone as it is all a process of getting to know someone. I compare it to going out on a first date . Your lucky to get a kiss after the date and to me that kiss is discussing the importance of getting qualified by a lender . Those that make it a prerequisite are missing the point of developing trust and rapor and eventually will walk away without getting that kiss .
sometimes the buyer is in a hurry. sometimes he "really" is in a hurry, sometimes he isnt. sometimes his spouse has been bugging them to look at homes. i dont think buyers ask to go with agents unless they are a bit serious.otherwise there are plenty of open homes to look at to kill time or see ideas. in fact model homes are good for this. so if a client wants to look, i suspect i would go, unless i am sooo busy. or if he has other reason not too. i do find many realtors are "lazy" . but so are many builders, lenders and garbage men :)
I'm happy to take them out. Every time I've bought a home, I've not been prequalified before. This is my job and I can't do it by hard and fast rules. That said....qualifying is critical.
No one that I know can provide a pre-approval in one day. A pre-.qualification., yes, but that won''t get me to open any doors for them.
If you are talking about some Internet lead who will probably have zero loyalty then I can see asking them to be pre-approved. But for my typical clients, the instant they decide they may want to buy, I want to get them into a few houses.
Does not matter to me.. approved or not... my job is to show homes and I hope I show them a good one. I do always ask the question if you have been pre approved and have you checked your credit and how would you pay for the property if we were to put in an offer...
We all get to choose who we work with and when we want to work. My choice is to not work with buyers who are not pre-approved ... period. My time is too valuable to be spending time showing properties that a buyer may not be able to purchase.