it is best when clients do what is best for themselves and the transaction.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
I have one like that now. I really truly appreciate such clients. I also really truly appreciate if I open an escrow with a Realtor with the same prompt skills~ those are even more rare species.
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA
Yes, It is a pleasure to get someone who cooperates. It's easy to work with them.
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA
I love it and it a welcomed change. I compliment them and tell them they are speeding up the process.
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA
Gratitude! And delight working with them.
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA
I revel in the wonderfulness of it all, and in my humble opinion the more you revel on what is right, the more you get what is right...and the more you focus on what is not the more you get those types. A
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA
I does feel wonderful when the clients understand the urgency with our documents.
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA
Amanda, this isn't really a question...not here to knock individuals or be the posting police, but if everyone starts posting stuff like this, the site is basically reddit
Amanda at VA HLC & Fed...
San Diego, CA