Very rude; unfortunately very common.
Katina Hargrove 352-55...
Eustis, FL
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes, but not that unusual.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Debbie, well, um, this is one form of feedback, although not as nice as if she'd send over a full-priced lisitng.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Showing time and Supra prompt the showing agents to submit feedback, and most comply.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
We always ask for feedback for our sellers. It's unfortunate that so many DO NOT answer. Sure, an offer is the best feedback, but common courtesy of answering a text/email/call would be nice!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Good morning Debbie. Sure it is rude, unfortunately no all the uncommon when it comes to giving feedback on a showing.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Good Wednesday morning Debbie. I sometimes feel that real estate agents are the rudest people on the face of the planet. I feel that many of them are extremely self-centered and they live in their own little world. Thankfully, there are some that do not feel this way.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes, but I think we have all had similar experiences.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I know this agent and if she doesn't have anything to say, shouldn't she respond to the text and say Sorry, no feedback? I am just doing what my seller asked.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
If you did all that, I would say yes.....RUDE>>>>RUDE>>>>>RUDE!
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I don't give feedback and that's on my MLS bio. When I work with buyers my contract with them offers them my confidentiality. If you want to know what "I" think have a brokers open and I'll attend and tell you. As for what my buyer clients think, that's not the concern of anyone's sellers. I also do not ask for feedback for my listings. I'm capable of pointing out things my seller needs to change/improve/repair and properly pricing a listing without help from other agents and their buyers who are not making offers.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
I know that we do this as a courtesy to agents whose sellers pressure them for some type of feedback rather than just not hearing anything after a showing. But let's face it, it's not in any kind of manual that we need to do this. In fact, if the buyer is interested but just hasn't made up his mind, is maybe seeing some other houses, I think it's detrimental to the buyer agent's client to tip off the seller in any way what he is thinking. That's where an offer comes in, that should be the feedback. Maybe we should start something like a "thank you note" to the seller for being so courteous as to let us see his home--and I am saying this tongue-in-cheek. After all, the seller has his house on the market, hoping to find someone to buy it. I get into the same thing with my listings, so I don't know what the answer is.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
What an agent thinks about a property is irrelevant. It's what the customers say that is important and they really don't care if it's not the home for them.
Michael Jacobs
Pasadena, CA
Yes. We should be professional and supply the feedback when requested, even if it is to say "they weren't interested."
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
I do consider this rude. I hate having to work so hard to get feedback, but sometimes it happens.
Nina Hollander, Broker
Charlotte, NC
Yes I do. We are all trying to get reasons why an offer was not written..
No. I do not do feedback and I do not expect it. I found that most feedback was just "very nice house but my buyers have just started looking" instead of " old, smelly and cramped".
It is a common courtesy to provide feedback. It is one of those things that take a little extra time but if he was in your shoes, he'd like the feedback I'm sure. The automated surveys from a showing service can get overwhelming after a long day of showing, but if a LA calls/emails to get feedback...the professional thing to do is respond promptly.
Hi Debbie,
I would say that this is unprofessional, however, the agent may have had a major life issue going on and was simply not in the place to return your call at the time. I try to not take it personal and make a mental note for the next time.
If you only sent out your call/text once, give it a few hours. if you have done this several times over a couple of days then, yes..this person is not a professional! Tell your seller the other person is blowing you off. These are different day and time in our business. Most people don't care about anyone, but themselves. To me it's real easy to text someone back (even if one didn't want to have a direct conversation).
Totally. Unfortunately many agents when not interested in a unit are not responsive.
I do think its rude. Remember though, sometimes it takes some time to get that information from the buyer as well. The truly rude part is the lack of response, not the lack of feedback.
Rude is a little harsh. Working with multiple Buyers and Sellers, all you can really do is ask. I don't ask more than twice. If I do not receive feedback or a request for more information on the property, obviously the property was not a match, and that Buyer has moved on. I prefer to keep the wheel moving forward. Listing Agents can do this by signing up for Realtor Tours in the area of the listing, Open Houses, even feedback links to your internet marketing efforts... ask what they think of the MLS Listing from a link to your portal. All good avenues for information for my Listing Clients.
It's the ethical thing to do which is to always give feedback when requested. But you know more than likely with no response, you're not getting an offer from him.
Every agent should extend professional courtesy to other agents as well as clients.
It may be rude --- but I never jump to a conclusion becasue I do not knwo what they are going through in their life.
Rude, but not atypical. Unprofessional, too. Don't they want feedback on their listings?
no, more like lazy. Even a generic feedback is easy. I understand that if your client is very interested you don't want to tip your hat.
No doubt, Debbie, this is very discourteous and rude. But you can't do much more than you have done without starting to feel like a stalker.
No, I would not consider this rude. What I see is an agent letting a seller jerk their chain. IF feedback is expected, and the listing agent has communicated this, (I do tell buyer agent feedback will be pursued when the showing is scheduled) then we get closer to rude, but that is a stretch.
However, no feedback IS FEEDBACK. The house was unremarkable, did not say hello, not in the top 3. But you already know that. Communicate that to the seller. Some house are so beige, so common, the agent and the buyer do not want to invest the energy to guess which beige house you want feed back on...so the default response, "did not meet their needs' is what you get.
At what point, the text message not responded to, the email not responded to, the voice mail not responded to, should the buyer agent have expected you to realize no feedback is forthcoming?
Again, when the buyer agents call ME to schedule the showing appointment I will advise 'I will need feedback' so I WILL CALL YOU after the showing. What actually happens is the buyers agent calls me FIRST at the time of their convenience.
Set the expectation up front and things work so much better. Then the seller will be saying, "Debbie, I don't want to hear everything is old AGAIN. No more feedback, please."
That sets the stage for "Why haven't I received a purchase offer after 4 weeks on the market?"
No. The agent might not have any feedback yet. I sometimes get feedback requests before I am even finished showing a house. But maybe they could text back " no feedback at this time"
Debbie - Yes I consider it rude, but it happens all the time. It is very rare that I will get a response from a buyer's agent regarding a showing, and none of my correspondence is automated.
Sellers need to understand that feedback is a courtesy not an obligation.
While I try to give quality feedback as quickly as possible there are times I’m running “can to can’t” with buyers or based on decisions the buyer is in the process of making it is better for the buyer to hold off on giving feedback until certain things shake out. I would give the agent the benefit of the doubt.