Warn them that the buyer will likely not accept them and closing will be delayed until done right.
Bob Crane
Stevens Point, WI
Christopher St.John This can be prevented by having the seller sign an addendum stating they will have all repairs completed by a professional and supply the paid receipts at the closing.
I think it depends on what the repair is referring to. Is it a repair to a tile border where the ends of the tiles are not square around the jacuzzi in the master bedroom bathroom or when the homeowner uses sprayfoam as a cure for everything?
Credits would be a quick solution, however, when the client wants the repair to be done, I always stipulate that the work needs to be performed by a licensed contractor.
I have this talk with them when i list. I do a walk through for the home and ;et them know how important it is to do things right the first time
I'd make them have a professional redo it.... that's what will eventually happen anyway.... might as well address it up front...
try to insist that the repairs are made by a professional to begin with... When we leave grey areas in our verbage it opens us to these type of things.
Drywall hole to be fixed and painted before COE its always
Seller shall have a provessiional craftsman fix the hole in the drywall, sand and paint prior to close of escrow
Christopher - I learned the hard way. I always feel that it is better for the seller to give the buyer a credit for the repairs and have the buyer get the repairs done themselves.
Think about it, the seller is getting rid of their home, so why would they try to spend a lot of money making it perfect for the new buyer. They will try and fix things required by the buyer as cheaply as they can, and that is not a good thing for either party.
done by the seller? a pro? pre listed , after listed? in contract? have a inspector look at it? timing is everything good question
I point it out and let them know most home inspectors are now coming back to verify the repairs and their repairs may not pass.
Good evening Christopher. I really hate to see sub-par workmanship in repairs. I write them up as the repairs have not been completed in a workman-like fashion. Recommend further review by a licensed professional in the appropriate trade. I feel your pain.
In the state I practice we can talk to the attorney. Hold back fund in escrow until everything is to the buyers satisfaction.
Share your opinion, if not the buyers most likely will at final walk thru. That is why I change the verbiage and add repairs will be made by licensed contractor to the purhcase contract.
I'm completely on board with the offer a credit crowd. It's a much cleaner and simpler way to avoid the issue addressed in your question.
If you can talk with the seller and help them understand their approach is likely to backfire, maybe you can get the seller to bring the quality of repairs up to the proper standard.
The contract is between buyer and seller, so unfortunately, this may end up with buyer and seller in small claims court.
He will regret it, once under contract and Buyer asks for items to be repaired with licensed professional.
It's a [probolem. Whenever I can, I try to have sellers offer buyers credit instead of repairs - because poor repair jobs are common.