I've been working with a buyer for some time now and they have stated very explicitly, "I want to buy one of these 25 houses on this section of this street."
That just might take a little longer.
Brian Doles
If the buyer is really motivated it takes about two days. If the buyer has plenty of time it could be two months.
Brian Doles it depends on the buyer. Some buyers want to see and buy immediately and some takes time.
I surely want to have my buyer consultation - and then when they are ready, I start showing them homes and they should be in their home in 2-4 months.
That really varies...I have had buyers buy a house without me getting my hands off the sign and not even looking inside, and then I have workd with clients 4 years before it all came together.
I just sold a nice piece of ground to some buyers I've been working with for over a year and a half. One couple I recently worked with looked at three houses in one short period of time and made an offer, and purchased, the third house.
a year - and they bought the house next to the first house I ever showed them.
Hmm, not sure about average, some take longer than others. Lately, had two very difficult buyers each cancel on the 3rd offer they had me write this month and now they are no longer going to keep looking. Ouch. That is what happens when you work internet leads.
3 years is the longest I worked with one buyer, until she found what she was looking for.
My average is 2 weeks my longest time was 9 months and the buyer had issue with his divorce that exended the search time.
There is no average...I couldn't even attempt a guess. Some buyers purchase after seeing a few homes, others take years.