I personally do not like drip emails. It's pet peeve.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
I prefer one on one so that I may customize it and tailor to each specific client or prospect.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
I hate drip campaigns personally, they remind me of Chinese torture...We are all for one on one...A
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
One on one, picking up the phone, etc. Drips were great before every business on the planet started using them. Now I get drip emails from everyone from my dentist to my insurance agent. They've become nothing but junk mail.
Debbie Gartner
White Plains, NY
John - I have always used a personalized one-on-one approach to any prospects. It does take more time, but I feel it is worth the effort, so they know I am not just sending them a pre-written email template that has nothing to do with the information they want.
I use a personalized, systematic drip campaign. The best of both worlds.
Drip and plus occasional personal emails is my approach. I set up my own drip campaigns so they are less annoying than most. I have very few opt out.
Drip campaigns are obviously more easier, but I prefer a more personal approach
I have done both with some success. Lately however, I have been doing for customized letters to target prospects and had some good results.
Can drip campaigns be a reasonable resource for keeping folks you have not meet on the hook? You bet. I've had sellers surface who were dripped for over two years. Most respond in less than nine months.
Are some drip campaigns better than others? Without a doubt.
Is a drip campaign a substitute to meeting a home owner and home buyer? Of course not.
But, as xenophobia continues to increase in the real estate profession, a 'no touch' business model will become increasingly attractive.
If you monitor the open rates of YOUR campaigns, you will be able to answer if they are effective in your application. Better still, monitor the resources to which your drip mail is directing them. (email preview makes open rates unreliable)
I find I must do both the 'GNG' and the no touch drip campaigns.