I have an iphone and it is neither cheap nor just for Realtors. It does do a great job helping me manage my business.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
Get a protective case for your new phone. If you are careless and drop it, you will pay the price.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
There is a special bumper cover so that those who drop phones will not experience damage like ou did.
I don't know what affordable means to you, so that is a tough one for me. A
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
My Samsung Galaxy Note 3 is a couple of years old and still performing like new. Get a Gorilla case to protect from all but the worst falls.
Sandy Padula & Norm Pa...
, CA
I always perfer and recommend an Iphone. I believe it does everyting realtors need it to do and helps us function and manage our busiess better. That is always a plus.
I have a Samsung Note 4 and love it. I have dropped it several times to no ill effect, but I have a closeable case around it. My local phone repair place says my Samsumg glass is so expensive to replace I should consider it a disposable camera. The iphone glass can be replaced for about $100.
Sandy- insurance is a good idea... I've never needed it before on my phone...but I definately will get coverage this time around.
Kathleen- I've actually had 2 other people recommend Galaxy Note 3
Ron & Alexandra- I did have a phone cover (a folded wallet type of deal)... it was cracked when I first dropped my phone & eventually I had to remove it. Personally; I don't feel a need to spend + than $200 on a cellphone for the simple reason that it seems they're outdated every 2 yrs.
Debbie- I'm not sure I would like the iphone...I've had an ipad for 2 yrs & hardly ever use it.
Roy- I had a phone case... need a better 1 I guess.