In your profile there is a place to connect your social media accounts. Then when you post and publish it there should be the icons to the links you set up.
Evelyn Johnston
Elkhart, IN
It is good to see that you have solved your problem.
The interface between ActiveRain and Facebook still needs some polish.
I figured it out! I created and posted the blog before I became a full paid member so the 'share' bar was not available to me. I deleted the original blog and recreated it and the share bar was there! Thanks.
Copy and paste.
What you are hoping would happen is not in the best interest of the site of origin. The hosting site WANTS to draw traffic back to them. The critical mass crated actually is beneficial to all of us who blog on AR.
I find if your originate you blog on Wordpress, it will copy/paste is excellent integrity into AR. Then use AR to send the snippets to the rest of the SM.
If you are using IE it won't work. Go get Chrome and everything will work as it should. You will be able to link the blog
Hi Andrea, Welcome to Active Rain. I guess I couldn't has said it any better than Debbie Reynods.
The whole thing wil not show up with just a link. You can copy the content and paste and then it will probably all show in your timeline. Why would you want to do that (have it all show? Don't you think it may annoy those getting the post? A short link shows a teaser and then they can decide whether to read the entire article.
You can "share" on FB, Google+, etc. if you are a Rainmaker (paid account).
There is no direct connection to Face Book Andrea, you have to post each blog individually.
Besides that welcome to Active Rain. If you have any questions please let us know, we are very happy to have you among this special group.