Balance? What's that? Seriously. None here when the market is this hot.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Work will always be there Christine Donovan so the choice to have a personal life should come naturally. I guess I will be judged during my final day whether the balance was warranted. So far no regrets!
I have found that you have to set aside time and block it off. And if anyone calls for a showing etc you give them an alternate time. I find that most people are good with the new time and those that are not well, how interested are they in the property then.
Real estate is important but so is my family.
I don't silo my personal and professional life. As long as I enjoy everything I do balance is not an issue.
Good morning Christine. It is very tough right now to develop a balance. However a balanced life is a lie. It just doesn't happen.
Christine, it is tough right now and the work side is certainly winning out with our very busy market. You just have to block out time for your personal life and stick to it like any other appointment.
Good morning Christine. It can be a challenge for sure. I'm not always happy with the decision, but work hard on the personal side.
95% of the time, job wins out. It has been slow for a long time in my area and I need to do some catching up.
Out of balance is where I am too. I work all the time, don't really have much interest in anything else.
Mine has been out of balance for a long time and one of the things I am working on this year is more balance, actually more toward personal time and travel than business.
I found that good balance only when working in management rather than in sales.
This is a difficult balancing act for me. I tend to work too much, but I'm working on trying to take more time off for ME. I can't give advice on this, because everyone has to handle it in their own way, and so far I haven't mastered it.