No rest for the weary or is that wicked...
Thankful and blessed to be working this fast and furious.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Good morning David. It's crazy, but I am so used to being on 7 days a week, so when I have some down time, I take full advantage of it.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
Because we serve the public and their needs but we don't punch a clock 5 days a week at designated times so those seven days for me is less than the five days for others.
Good morning David. It's because we own job and our job is a demanding mistress.
Come on David, suck it up! The workweek used to be SIX days a week with only the Sabbath to rest! We are getting spoiled and infected by the France Syndrome!
David Shamansky - now if you think of third world countries, it's just a Sunday as a day off (I used to work 6 days a week when I was in India! And those were long days - from 8 AM to 7 PM or so!)
Aren't we better off here?
I have not had down time in months. I didn't know there was such a thing.
I used to take Wednesdays off and every other Sunday. Then Wednesdays became another workday. It is up to us to set boundaries and not be available 7 days a week. So if we work everyday it is because we want to or we are out of control.
Can you talk to someone and see about getting this changed? I sure would like to see at least a three day weekend every week.
Because a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, somebody(s) decided that was a good idea for some silly reason.
What is the sky blue? Who knows? Someone created that system...probably a good research exploration for someone.