Absolutely not...I agree seller is being cheated...A
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
We have not used these in over six months as only a tiny portion of buyers are looking here. If we did still use this we would not use the tiny little pictures for the reasons you have given. Useless!
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
Eric Kodner Obvisiously not professional at all. As a real estate agent, I would pass. However, I would think FSBO sellers might look at it as another source of getting the word out.
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
It's hard to believe some people still look at publications like this, but perhaps it might capture the interests of some potential buyers that will further investigage the specifics of the property online that could eventually lead to a sale. Don't think I would personally spend advertising dollars to advertise in a publication like the one you are describing.
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
I dont get outraged, I usually get a chuckle. How can a professional agent not know this is not acceptable in this day in age. The agent doing it is most likely losing business and when those sellers are ready to do it right, I get many listings that have expired or been withdrawn.
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
I haven't looked at a shopper in years. It's a different bird than online marketing.
John McCormack, CRS
Albuquerque, NM
It doesn't help the cause when the shopper is made with low grade paper and when they only use a 60% screen in printing. I don't use those so-called magazines anymore.
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
No good photos are necessary in any advertisement of your clients home
Eric Kodner
La Pointe, WI
Marketing is marketing. From your description of the ads, the purpose is not to sell the house. You should be fully aware, selling the house CAN NOT BE THE PURPOSE OF PRINT ADVERTISING.
The reality is......YOU READ IT!
Mission accomplished!
What was compliant? Outraged real estate agents! Yeah, they are funny aren't they?
I really don't give it too much thought. I consider the source and the end-user.
Eric Kodner - I think they know well - 'What you get is what you pay for' - so perhaps don't complain.
And as far as I am concerned, I have not placed an ad in print publication for long!
I'm honestly not interested in judging how other Realtors advertise or market themselves - as long as it is ethical and legal. Would I advertise like that? No. But that agent might be getting activity that makes it worth it!
It is what it is. People that pick those up are not expecting much and the cost is equivalent for what you get. Is it the best use of advertising dollars? It is hard to say what other options may be available. Maybe it is enough information to make the consumer want to look online so it is doing what it is supposed to.