Chris: Yes, absolutely. Where so many in this industry go wrong is they seek out FB groups where other RE professionals hang out. Why do that? We need to be frequenting local groups where real estate consumers are visiting and engage in those groups.
Anita Clark
Warner Robins, GA
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I am not, does that work for you Chris? I have respect for my friends, many of which really are good friends I have stayed in touch with over the years on Facebook. I dont want to pepper them daily with USE ME, WORK WITH ME, etc. At the same time, if they dont know I am a Realtor, and have a need I can help with, it is mutally benifitical to us both to make contact.
Spirit Messingham
Tucson, AZ
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Yes. I am active in many Facebook groups that share my personal interests.
Smart real estate professionals create Facebook groups for their home neighborhoods and for the community activities they support.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Noah Seidenberg
Evanston, IL
I belong to a number of them.... but can't say I'm terribly active... but I do check out the conversations from time to time.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
No, I've never participated. I visited few pages and saw that most of posts create a discussion opportunity. I like LI more.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I just can not get behind facebook no matter how much I hear it needs to be done. I twitter and have that pushed to FB just to put my name there. Mark
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Chris Webb - I am - on some real estate related groups. However, I should be - in some local groups!
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
yes, but not just for business. I belong to history groups, photograpghy groups, etc
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Used to be but a lot of time can be wasted there. A few are good informational sources, and if there is a real estate agent group in your city it can be helpful to see what they are posting.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Yes..... Nestor & Katerina Gasset (Katerina) has the best facebook groups...some are by invitation only and others are open to anyone....check them out....you should subscribe to her blog....she's the most subscribed to person on AR....
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I'm a member of about 4/5 and it just seems like a hassel and just a big cesspool of other agents attacking anyone who posts anything about a home, house, rental, etc.......I feel like a shark circling the waters up above........No business generated. I still post relative info but I don't look for business anymore.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Yes, I post my blogs to different groups depending on what it is about. There are some really good ones.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Chris, never used them when I was on FB. I did create groups by categories to direct posts at certain people.
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
I belong to some facebook groups, but active, no. Participating in social media could easily be a full time job, and I just don't have the time...
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ
Chris Webb In select groups, no business gathered
Chris Webb
Tucson, AZ