Jesse: My Facebook Fan Page (biz page) is linked to my personal page but is used primarily for biz. My personal page is used to keep up with family and for fun.
I have a personal page and two pro pages: one with my name and one with location. The page with location name has a lot of traffic.
I did create a Spirit Messingham PLLC page, but I never use it. I have like 800 friends on my main page (SpiritRealty) and simply use that. I try not to post to much stuff about work on there, just a reminder from time to time that I am a Realtor, if or when they have a need. Good question.
Readers will not enjoy seeing your listings posted on your personal timeline. Create a Facebook page for your business.
Even better, create Facebook groups for the communities your serve and the activities you support. The groups are much better for interaction.
Hi Jesse, I work for Coldwell Banker and they created a Face Book Business account for me and I linked them together. I post local news and events as well as my Real Estate promotions. I have used the paid ads and gotten hits on my web site and business from it. If you are interested in Face Book for business I suggest you join the great group Face Book Fridays run by expert Social Media Blogger Anita Clark
Jesse Castro - I keep my personal FB page separate from our business page, as, IMO, it should be. The two are linked however.
I am glad you asked this question. I do not have a business page and have been thinking of it.
I'm not a big user on Facebook, but I have a personal page for friends and family and a business page. When I publish a new post on my WordPress blog, it automatically gets publicized to my Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Tumblr and Google +.
I have several pages linked to my personal page. My real estate business page is one of them as are several neighborhood pages. I post very little on my personal page that relates to real estate.
I have separate pages for personal and business. Even though they are run administratively through the personal page, FB does a horrible job (basically non-existent) of leveraging the two. You need to use creative linking but still it's a chore. Facebook is among my least favourite of social channels for lead generation, but I still use it.
Pages work, but the methods of promoting them keep changing, so you have to keep up with that.
My wife and I have separate personal pages and a business page. Her business page really draws in clients. Keeping in touch is a must do! I must bow to the Queen of FB and say I lag behind in my social efforts.
I did everythjing on my personal account for awhile and then separated them out. My friends and family didn't always need to hear about my real estate stuff. My business friends didn't need to know about the stuff I shared with friends and family.