Most of the time I strike paydirt on the first call, however I have done lots of research before iI call.
Hi Jane -- I've never calculated an average and the quick answer is like most responses is --- it depends.
If I'm using ActiveRain -- I can do a lot of research by reading their posts and comments. It can be one phone call and I know if it's a right match.
Obviously, once I have had a good experience that person is likely the go-to agent for that area depending on the client.
Other times I may give a couple of names.
I agree with Patricia, I let the client decide most of the time. I give them two or 3 names and I tell the agents that I am going to let the client decide.
It can get tricky, even if you know the agent. Sometimes I'll give the client a choice of two or three and have them do the interview.
I like to speak with at least two or three agents before I choose to refer somebody. That can be difficult when you put out a request for referral partners in another state and few if any of the folks you contact choose to return your calls.