Hi Debbie;
I do not recommend air fresheners are many of them contain toxic chemicals, including phthalates, which are chemicals that can cause birth defects, hormonal abnormalities, and reproductive problems. In additona, air fresheners frequently contain the cancer-causing chemicals formaldehyde and benzene. Since currently there are no labeling requirements, you have no way of knowing what is actually in the air freshener, unless you begin to research these products, as I did...I wouldn't recommend the use of air fresheners to my worst enemy, because I know too much about how UNSAFE many of them are.
Even if you could find one that was manufactured without these dangerous chemicals, it's a dead giveaway when you come in the house that the sellers are attempting a cover-up.
An ozone machine is really the smart answer. Not only does it eliminate the odor, it does much more - it actually kills mold spores and the like.
Eric Valente
Calabasas, CA
I would not recommend them. Most of them have artificial aroma. I would recommend to invest in high end quality candles and soups ( with natural essential oils).
Eric Valente
Calabasas, CA
I think Dan Pittsenbarger is on the right track. Maybe you have a stinky problem Debbie so I am suggesting, not hijacking your question. You should check out: Mrs. Clean
"Vinegar kills molds, mildews and fungi. Use full strength
Lemon juice and water the acidity in a lemon and water solution will wipe out musty odors quickly.
Soap and water will help to remove the any remnants of the offending mold or fungi that might still be present. Dry after cleaning so that you don’t leave moisture for new growth.
Baking soda removes odors. After using either vinegar or lemon juice and water, and then the soap and water, baking soda can be spread over a musty area to get out any residual smells.
A dry vapor steam cleaner will kill most molds."
Eric Valente
Calabasas, CA
If I recommended an air freshener, I would stay away from stron flowery ones. Something that smells clean and natural.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
I never had Debbie. People have told me that the scent of an air fresheners signals a cover up of something unpleasant. I have had a client who is a chain smoker and it just does not work.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
None for me. If the home has odors I bring in an ozonator and blast the place for 24 or 48 hours. Then air the place out and that usually does the trick. If there's heavy pet or smoke smell then no air freshener is going to make it better - handle the source and go with clean and fresh.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
This is a touchy question, as so many sellers use too many, or very heavy scents. Then the buyers think you are covering up something. I like to tell them one vanilla only.
Debbie Reynolds, C21 P...
Clarksville, TN
I personally like the freshness smell, nothing extra, open windows( if possible).
A good potpourri in a dish seems to freshen up rooms. I never recommend plug ins or sprays, as their scents can irritate those with allergies. A quality potpourri in fresh scent always seems to do the trick of keeping the home smelling fresh. I encourage the fresh scent since you want to awaken the senses of those viewing your home. Again, has to be subtle, fresh scent and good quality product.
I do not recomend air fresheners! My first thought is what are you trying to hide? Fix the odor problem! If its smells in the carpet get them cleaned and if that does not work remove them. Open the windows and air out house. Do the old fashion thing: Clean the house. Opening small boxes of baking soda helps obsorb odor. Sprinkle some baking soda on carpet and vacumn. There are lots of things to do! Depends where the odor culprit is!
I never have recommended them. I've had buyers ask what are they trying to hide. Debbie uses them I think it's lavender in our home. She keeps them turned down low so they 're not overwhelming. If it makes her happy, I'm happy :)
I don't recommend any scent but vanillar. It is the universally most accepted scent. When they get too spicy or flowery people are turned off or even wonder what the home sellers are trying to hide.
Good morning Debbie. I do not recommend air fresheners. It makes me wonder, what are they hiding?
I try to stick to cooking flavors or natural like a pine. Nothing too over powering
Debbie, I agree with Larry. I don't care for those really foo fooey over the top scents!
No...and no air freshners. I just did a walk thru today and there were a ton of odors after the tenant left.
Debbie, I hate all scented air fresheners. Like pot pourri, they just cover up bad smells to make them worse. I'd take cat urine any day befor some sweet overpowering flowery smell.
No, I recommend a clean home with windows opened for about 30 minutes before a showing. Baring the snow has melted...