I will wear green, I will not pinch anyone, but I will wish La ale-lah pwad-rig son-ah jeev (Happy Saint Patrick's Day) to all who read this.
Robert Kennedy
Zephyr Cove, NV
I am Irish and wearing the green today! If I pinch anyone it will be my husband. ;-)
Peter Luiten
Princeville, HI
Hi Debbie:
I see quite a few with Green on today in San Diego. I'm originally from Ireland and have my green on already. I tried to pinch my friend last year and she freaked out.
Have a Great Week.
Peter Luiten
Princeville, HI
I'm not wearing green and I cannot get anyone to pinch me!
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
I got no pinches and gave no pinches. so many had on green and enjoyed the holiday.
I did wear green but didn't pinch anyone who didn't. I don't know most of my co-workers that well yet!
Debbie, no color green for me yesterday. I couldn't even get my wife to pinch me!
Actually, I found myself out today with blue on instead of green. I guess I had the luck of the Irish. I didn't get pinched. Oh, Yea, I am Irish, or am I scottish? Our Namesakes lived on both sides of the boarder.
I purposely didn't wear green hoping I would get pinched. Love that up close and personal contact. So far not one pinch! But I will delight in every pinch I can conjur up.
I think my green shirt is in the laundry, but I don't expect to see anyone today who is likely to pinch me.
For the past few years my celebration of the day is presenting chocolate cupcakes to my elderly Scottish neighbor - because it's his birthday.
by a bit of Irish luck,
brightened by a song in your heart,
and warmed by the smiles
of the people you love.
Debbie, oh no - I left all of that in high school. For me, pinching is rude. Add to that, not everyone celebrates or embraces the day.
Just so happens that I am. Guess I was suppose to since i was in a hurry and got dressed early morning in the dark. All my clothes coordinate so no big deal. I have never really been much of a wearer of the green unless i have a few dollars literally in my pocket. If you don't have green on when I'm around then more likely to just get a handshake or hug. Don't pinch me and I won't pinch you! Violence begets violence. HAPPY SAINT PATTY'S DAY! MAY THE BLESSINGS OF THE LORD AND THE LUCK OF THE IRISH BE UPON YOU!!
Hi Debbie -- there's a little bit of green in my pants. I don't mind a pinch(depending on the pincher) but I don't pinch.
How about you?