I do. I love podcasting because it is fast and fun. I have an app for my iPhone called, "Mobile Podcaster". It is connected to my wordpress site. On my wordpress site I have a plugin that posts the audio and I also have my podcast on iTunes. I also can transcribe the audio into text posts and then into video posts. I also podcast in batches to save time.
It is not true that video is the way to go. Video is the way to go for people who resonate with video. Text posts are the way to go for those who rather read. Audio is for those who like to listen to the radio. As marketers we must touch on all 3 areas. It is not about what we like it is about what our subscribers like and what consumers like.
While it is true that there are more visual and kinesthetic people than audio people more people are turning to audio because they can download iTunes to their iPhones and iPads and then plug in their ear buds and listen to podcasts as they are running outside or in the gym on the treadmill. They can listen while driving to and from work. They can listen while waiting in line, etc.
Hmmm, sounds like a post coming on....
Maureen Harmonay
Bolton, MA
Jim Paulson
Boise, ID
No. But I like to read. I do not like to watch video either. Just put it in writing for me.
Gene Riemenschneider
Brentwood, CA
I am not using podcasts, but I would be interested in learning more about them.
Bruce Walter
West Lafayette, IN
I have not used them in my business but I do listen to Real Estate Today which claims to be the largest real estate podcast. It is good to listen to some of their programs while I sit at my desk instead of listening to the radio or Pandora. http://www.retradio.com/listennow.html
I am an avid listener to podcasts, via an app and website called "Stitcher". They are a simple way to make good use of commuting time. I highly recommend the BiggerPockets podcast (and every project they are involved in). Find them by clicking here.
Now if you are asking whether I host one or have considered it? No, it's simply not an investment in time and learning and effort which I wish to make.
I will listen to podcasts and radio when I have time. I am not making any podcasts at this time but I have thought about it.
Yes, I sleep in them if the cast is big enough. I like to use my pod case with a cover:)
We have dabbled with the idea, but haven't done it yet. I have the gift of gab and think I'm "somewhat" interesting... We'll see!
David, I'm not using podcasts either. I agree with Armen, YouTube videos are the way to go.
We have an agent in our office who makes a lot of videos, but not podcasts. I have been toying with the idea of creating a podcast for first time home buyers. Would love to hear what types of answers you receive.
David, this is an area I have also wondered about but have never pursued.
Ditto, Debra Peters. I'm wondering if short videos wouldn't be a better way to go.