I saw a buyer -
1. bring their dog and allow it to jump on a bed
2. allow their son to log on to the computer
Yes -- client had to drive her car and carry the little princess at all times. She said it was a "service dog" . . . {rolling eyes}
Oh my goodness, no! No pets and as related to the other question, no Easter showings, either, please! As far as leaving pets and kids in cars, Nooooooo!
Yes, and they are informed they MUST drive themselves and the pet stays in the car.
Sheila and Larry -- I've occasionally seen a dog in a handbag and once at an open house someone came through with a bird on his shoulder. I generally don't think it is acceptable especially without permission of the owner/seller.
I have had them bring the pet in the car and not in the house. I have also had a prospect have a small pet they carried in their arms inside a vacant house. This was a rental property and it was pet friendly.
While showing I have seen other agents and buyers have pets go in houses and one even escaped and the agent was chasing the dog from the rear of the house and the pet owner from the front. It was hysterical. I was glad it wasn't my listing.
Have never had that happen and if a buyer showed up with one other than a service dog the pet would have to remain in the vehicle.
They sure do. That is when the buyers agent will be left with a real decsion to make. No see or babysit the dog OUTSIDE. Buyer agents, manage your buyers.
I watched as FIDO leaps from the owners arms and pees on the kitchen wall.
Do you think the buyer, FIDO or the buyers agent offered to make the seller whole?
I've had the occassional buyer who "travels" with his/her little dog. But I've never had one want to bring the dog into a home we were viewing.
Only once...Fifi had to bark her approval of the new house.....grrrrrr
Yes. They are usually small dogs. Most of my experiences have been when the home was vacant.